The world will never cease to amaze us. No matter how educated people become, some things are just in their nature and they don’t change. I mean, the world is progressing at such a rapid rate. People are coming up with better and more advanced solutions to complex problems. Just so that they can make this world a better place to live for everyone. Yet, at the same time, there are people among us who are always just looking for ways to gain maximum by exploiting others.
It’s not even that these people are ignorant or needy, it’s in their nature to use others for their benefit. They are big opportunists and they just never seem to learn. So, when it comes down to dealing with such individuals, there’s no other option but to treat them in the exact same manner. Otherwise, it will just cause us harm. It may sound like a very immature way of handling such people, but sometimes it really is the only way. To tackle opportunists, one must beat them at their own game just by playing it a little better. For instance, doing something similar to what this one bartender did in the Reddit post below.
This bartender encountered a woman who just wanted to get some free drinks. Now, the usual and simple response is a big “No.” But it’s more complicated than that. There’s always the ‘benefit of doubt’ when serving drinks. The customers can always say that the drink isn’t what they had asked for and then trick the servers into bringing them a new one for free. Which is precisely what this woman did. However, the bartender was smart and outplayed the woman once he figured out what she was doing. Read the post below to see how.
The woman was apparently looking for a free drink from the start.
Sadly for her, the OP wasn’t dumb like she thought.
The drink was clearly what she had ordered, but she didn’t agree.
The interesting thing about freeloaders and opportunists is that they’re usually not so bright. I mean, to successfully execute a plan, one must be careful in every way. However, most people just go by their instincts alone and that is what leads to failure. In this case, maybe she was just too drunk to notice what was going on? Or, maybe too stupid. Regardless of what the case was, we have got to admit that the OP did a wonderful job by giving that woman the taste of her own medicine.
Here’s what other Redditors had to say about the story:
It was a very impressive move, no doubt!
Life is full of surprises.
Really, either they’re too drunk or too dumb. There’s no in between.
This is good advice.
At least, we all know who the real winner is.
So, have you ever dealt with a freeloader? Leave a comment in the box below and share your experience with us!