When someone has patented their content, copying it can result in serious consequences for you. So, say a big tech company releases a smartphone and has a specific technology patented or in simpler words, copyrighted in their name. If another technology company puts out a smartphone with the exact same technology, the original tech company can sue them and the consequences can be massive. The company would either have to pay a massive fine or may even have to shut down its operations…yes that is how badly copyright lawyers sting you. So it is advised to stay away from copyright issues and make something original.
Now that we are clear on what copyrights are and how badly they can hit you if you mess with them, we can move toward today’s story. In today’s story, we have a graphic designer who knew very well about Disney in terms how reactive they are when it comes to copyright issues. The company OP worked for got an order of making shirts for an event that was going to take place at Disney World. OP was quick to realize some of the shirt designs were copyrighted by Disney and if they got it printed, the company may come under serious trouble.
Upon informing the boss, OP got told to not bring this issue up again or else he will be fired, and he got ordered to get the shirts printed. The event took place and the next thing you know, Disney lawyers showed up at the company and heavily fined the boss for copyrighting their stuff.
Scroll down below to read how it all went down.
1. OP started off by sharing how reactive Disney is when it comes to copyrights and proceeded to tell how much in love his family is with Disney.
2. OP got a huge job order for shirts that were to be worn at an event at Disney World. Some of the shirt designs would have had copyright issues with Disney and OP decided to let his boss know about it.
3. OP kept trying to save his boss’ bum but he never listened.
4. Behold, the Disney lawyers have arrived. The boss faced a heavy fine and years later got caught doing the same thing…and got sued for it.
I seriously don’t understand why the bosses don’t man up when it is time to actually do it. In this case, it was because the boss already knew he was doing something wrong. That is why when the Disney lawyers showed up, he knew he had no explanation to give or a way to get out of this so, like a terrible boss, he decided to throw OP under the boss. The employee tried to warn the company about 4 to 5 times that people at Disney will not spare them if they spot copyright issues. And that is exactly what happened.
To be honest, this is what should’ve happened, I fully support this. Bosses need to open their minds up and freaking listen to what people working under them have to say. Now face the lawsuit, dummy!
Here are some of the comments shared on the story:
5. Disney doesn’t play.
Via Reddit
6. It really was a good thing that OP had everything saved in writing.
Via Reddit
7. I like this guy, he knows where the lines are drawn.
Via Reddit
8. You cannot outsmart or out lawyer Disney…ever.
Via Reddit
9. Told you so!
Via Reddit
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Via Holbrookk42
Dog tax.
“Willie had his first haircut today. I think I brought home the wrong puppy!”
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