Do you know that bears can live up to 25 years and weigh 800 to 1000 pounds?
There is a general perception that bears are dangerous due to their enormous size but today, we will prove this perception wrong. Bears are omnivores and consume both meat and plants. Bears are excellent marathon runners and can run up to 30 miles per hour. Grizzly bears have brown fur and the tips of their coat are white. Would ever become a best friend of a Grizzly bear?
Casey Anderson, an American wildlife naturalist, rescued a two-week-old cub in 2002 from an overpopulated animal park. Casey raised him with a lot of love. Casey named him Brutus and they became best friends. Brutus loves to be around people and does not harm anyone. Scroll down to see Brutus living his best life with Casey Anderson.
1. Casey Anderson is a famous naturalist whose best friend is this grizzly bear. He named him Brutus.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
2. Casey Anderson rescued this grizzly bear from an overpopulated wildlife park. At that time, Brutus was just two-week-old.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
3. Casey Anderson raised his best friend with lots of love and care.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
4. Brutus, living his best life.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
5. Brutus loves licking his owner’s face which shows how much Brutus loves Casey.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
6. Brutus is a friendly grizzly bear and it’s not dangerous to be around him.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
7. Here is Brutus enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with his lovely family.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
8. Brutus was Casey Anderson’s best man at his wedding.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
Grizzly bears love eating berries, nuts, leaves, fruits and roots. They can also eat rodents and moose. They can also swim well. Due to their straight claws, they cannot climb trees. They are extremely smart, have good memories and have a great sense of smell, better than hound dogs. Grizzly bears would only attack if they see someone attacking their babies. But Brutus is very friendly. He loves getting attention from people. He enjoys playing with other grizzly bears and loves eating marshmallows and Twinkies. Since he is friendly, he loves flirting with women. Brutus and Casey Anderson have their own show that airs on National Geographic called “Expedition Grizzly”.
9. Brutus was so excited and happy about his man’s wedding that he could not stop licking his face.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
We can clearly see they are all happy.
10. Brutus is like his man, both love nature.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
11. Here is Casey letting his Grizzly bear, Brutus, take all the Vitamin D.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
12. Brutus giving a kiss to his best friend.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
13. Brutus has a funny nature and he always does something to make people laugh.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
14. Brutus and Casey having a high-five after accomplishing something.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
15. Brutus went out with his best friend for a picnic.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
16. Seems like the food was too delicious.
Via: Expedition Grizzly
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