Seriously, what really is wrong with them?
Cat logic is almost impossible to understand. They do the weirdest things that make our brain malfunction when we try to understand what they are doing. Or maybe it is their brain malfunctioning when they do their weird shenanigans. This barrier will remain between humans and cats but we are not complaining. When cats act weird and “broken” that is when they make us laugh the most. Just clueless cats doing weird things having no idea why their human is laughing their butt off while looking at them. Cats really are precious and they make us happy with their silly little antics. So even if people say they are evil, moments like these just make us forget everything and relieve us of all our stress and tensions. We must protect these curious and silly fluffballs at all costs.
We searched on Reddit and were relieved to see that we are not the only ones that have broken cats. If you want to know what I mean when I say that, scroll down below for 40 times cats made their owners think “what’s wrong with my cat?”:
1. My Cat Is Actually Using A Purchased Product Made For Cats As Intended And Instead Of The Box It Came In. What Is Wrong With Her?!?
2. What happened to you little guy?
3. This Is How He Likes To Watch The Birds
4. What did he smoke?
5. Look at this little guy.
6. Firmware loading.
7. It’s liquid now.
8. Who triggered him?
9. Fluffy thing on the grass.
10. Stuck.
11. Google Made A Panorama Of My Cat Stealing My Husband’s Pants Out Of His Closet
12. Had To Share Another One Of Her Crazy Sleep Positions – How She Stayed Like That And Didn’t Fall Off I’ve No Idea!
13. A bleppy baby.
14. Constipated Bebe
15. I Swear He’s Not Dead
16. My Cats Aren’t Too Sure About The New Apartment.
17. I Actually Captured The Moment When Kevin’s Brain Came To A Screeching Halt.
18. Uh oh.
19. Is this catto from outer space?
20. It’s Always A 10 Minute Fight To Get Her To Come Down. I’m Short And She Takes Advantage. And Of Course She Yells At Me The Whole Time.
21. A ninja.
22. This plant means trouble.
23. Meet Winston. When I Tilt My Head At Him, He Tilts His Head Back (His Head Tilts Are Significantly More Dramatic Than Mine Though Lol)
24. I Spilled My Cat.
25. Watching Snl Last Weekend And This Happened.
Cat behavior consultant Ingrid told Bored Panda That even though all cats are unique, there are still some similar patterns that they follow. “Each cat is no doubt an individual, but there are some basic signs to help you know that your cat is content.”
So it depends on how comfortable your cat is around you at home. “How your cat chooses to position themselves in the home while sleeping can illustrate that they are relaxed and feel safe. Signs of this would be sleeping stretched out in a more vulnerable position, even exposing their belly as a sign of trust,” Ingrid said. However, she pointed out that this exposed belly isn’t an invitation to touch, as this might “break that trust and is insulting to most cats.”
If a cat feels unsafe or uncomfortable, it will curl up in a corner or hide to avoid interaction. “So if your cat is happy to chase a feather toy all around the house, they feel pretty confident! Even just sitting in the center of the room shows you that they feel safe, content, and confident. Timid cats and cats that are stressed are going to try to not be noticed, stay hidden, and focus on only meeting their basic needs. Happy cats are full of life and a part of the family!”
Scroll down below to see more weird cats:
26. She’s Just Special Like That.
27. A Strange Kind Of Geckos Are Invading The House.
28. He Hates Breaded Chicken But Tries To Steal It Anyway. Cue Intense Gagging Every. Single. Time. Dork.
29. My Indoor Kitties Are Trying To Prison Break.
30. Gus Trying To Smile For His Gotcha Day Portrait.
31. My Cat Sleeps In The Strangest Position.
32. My Daughter Bought A Life Sized Skeleton. Our Cat Loves It.
33. We Call This “The Figure 8”.
34. He Sits Like This And Stares At Me, Why?
35. “Sit Like A Lady!” “No”.
36. Just To Be Clear, This Is A Cat.
37. I Took This Picture Of My BF And My Cat Today, We Can’t Stop Laughing Since.
38. Apparently This Is Comfortable.
39. All Orange Kots Share One Brain Cell.
40. One catto, 2 souls.
Does your cat do weird things as well? Share your stories with us in the comments below.