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Woman Mistakes A Dog-Friendly Office For A Dog Daycare Center

Dog Daycare

We all make mistakes. And it is perfectly fine to do so. After all, we are humans, not gods. We are imperfect and I don’t think there is anyone on this planet who doesn’t understand that. But it doesn’t take much for the truth to unfold and things get sorted either for the worse or for the good. For example, the countless stories we have read about Karens mistaking shoppers for employees. The whole event does turn into a mess but the matter does get resolved in that single setting, it doesn’t get prolonged.

However, in today’s story, a mistake got prolonged for a very long time and the situation exhibited nothing but weirdness since everyone realized what had actually happened. Reddit user SwarmTendon shared they worked at a pet-friendly office and they were the only worker who didn’t have an office dog. One day a woman came in rushing with her dog, Otis, wanting to drop him off at the office because she had to be somewhere on an urgent basis. OP got extremely confused because she had no idea why a stranger would drop her dog off at an office. But because this would result in her satisfying her need of having an office dog, OP decided to agree.

The woman kept bringing in Otis and OP would have a great time with the dog. This kept happening until near Christmas the office printed cards that had a picture of Otis on them as well. The card reached the woman because a worker at the office was her friend and that is how she realized she had been dropping her dog off at an office. She thought it was a dog daycare all along.

Scroll down below to read the story!

1. How can someone mistake an office for a dog daycare, you ask? Let’s find out.

I know you didn’t ask, it just sounded like a cool statement to begin with.


Via u/SwarmTendon

2. OP used to work at a dog-friendly office. I love such offices.


Via u/SwarmTendon

3. Aww, it’s okay OP.


Via u/SwarmTendon

4. Well then why is this woman here with her dog?


Via u/SwarmTendon

5. She is at the office to drop her dog off…interesting.


Via u/SwarmTendon

6. OP didn’t understand her situation either.


Via u/SwarmTendon

7. Oh my…the woman thinks this is a dog daycare center…OP…put pressure on your brain and decipher the situation.

Via u/SwarmTendon

8. OP thought the woman is friends with a worker at the office and that is why she made such a request. So she agreed to keep the dog.


Via u/SwarmTendon

9. No one recognized Otis when OP showed him to the workers. She was concerned that the dog might have just been abandoned but part of her also liked the fact that she now had an office dog.

Via u/SwarmTendon

10. Otis is a chill dog and it seems like OP is having a really nice time in his presence.


Via u/SwarmTendon

11. The woman came back and both parties still don’t know about the underlying mistake they have made.

Via u/SwarmTendon

12. The realization finally hit OP.


Via u/SwarmTendon

13. The joy Otis brought OP made her not correct the woman.

Via u/SwarmTendon

14. It was undershot by a mile.


Via u/SwarmTendon

15. The story ended after a nice experience…or at least that is what OP thought.

Via u/SwarmTendon

This story has me so confused. Didn’t OP for once think what if something had gone wrong with Otis? She didn’t know a single thing about the dog and took it in just because she wanted to satisfy her need to have an office dog. The woman was wrong on her part too. She should’ve investigated who she was giving her dog to before just leaving it there.

Anyways, I am glad nothing bad happened and everyone walked out happy from this. But this interaction wasn’t the last between OP, Otis, and his owner. The story did not end there. Yes, there is more to it.

So buckle up and scroll down below to continue reading.

16. The woman returned a week later…and OP welcomed her.


Via u/SwarmTendon

17. Go with the flow, I think that is what OP means.

Via u/SwarmTendon

18. A cycle began as the woman started dropping OP off at the office four days per week.


Via u/SwarmTendon

19. Otis became an official member of the office.

Via u/SwarmTendon

20. Is Otis’ owner finally going to know?


Via u/SwarmTendon

21. Yes ma’am, you are absolutely correct.

Via u/SwarmTendon

22. The dots finally began connecting as misconceptions cleared.


Via u/SwarmTendon

23. To be fair though, things could go terribly for OP and the office if the woman chooses to take legal action.

Via u/SwarmTendon

24. Thankfully though, the woman chose to hear everything out thoroughly.


Via u/SwarmTendon

25. Anyone would be confused about being part of such a scenario.

I like how the woman hasn’t taken any irrational decision yet and is trying to gather as much information as possible before deciding to do something.

Via u/SwarmTendon

26. The woman ended up being extremely chill…a little embarrassed…She left Otis there and went away as per routine. She trusted OP.


Via u/SwarmTendon

27. Yes, OP. Your office dog can stay.

Via u/SwarmTendon

28. Perfect timing.


Via u/SwarmTendon

29. A beautiful story filled with nothing but wholesomeness, that is what it was.

Via u/SwarmTendon

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via u/k-97-acct

Dog tax.

“I adopted a 10 y/o retired sled dog and it was the best decision I ever made.”


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