We don’t own cats, they choose us!
Has it ever happened that you are sitting in a gathering and you say you like cats and suddenly some people stare at you as if you have committed a crime? Don’t worry, it has happened to almost all of us cat lovers. I remember a friend of mine used to tell me cats are selfish as heck. Yes, you guessed it right. He had a dog.
I mean, nothing is wrong in loving dogs, they are a joy on their own. But cats are just irresistible! And you don’t even have to wonder if they’ll bite before touching them.
A recent research showed how cats are loyal as well and can do anything for their families. Here are some photos that prove that even cats can be good boys.
1. His sister had gotten home from the vet so he hugged her till she felt good again.

2. The cat loves being a pillow for the baby.

3. Find yourself someone who holds your hand when you are feeling low.

4. That’s Henry and the nurses can’t stop him from visiting his owner and spending each day in her lap.

5. When the parents are too busy to play with the toddler.

6. When the husky is scared of the fireworks outside. A friend in need is a friend indeed!

7. The new cat missed his old home.

8. That’s the vet’s cat, calming other pets down coming at the clinic.

9. “So what’s the latest news Bob?”

10. Lily, the dog just had a surgery and Mittens, the cat is helping him recover.

Sometimes I feel like that friend of mine was right to some extent too. Cats do tend to get selfish at times. Still, how can one look at a cat and not fall in love with it? And the people who are scared of them are just unfathomable. Some people on the other hand…
11. I love it when our cats think they are our guardians.

© WorldsBestDadBod / reddit
12. Is the cat guarding the chickens for the owner or himself? Hmm…

© Unknown / reddit
13. She fell down so the kitty stayed with her until the ambulance arrived.

14. They do that everyday.

15. Don’t you just love it when you have a little high 5 buddy?

16. Who needs to go to a spa to relax when you have cats at home?

17. When the cat thinks the dog is her baby.

18. Cold blooded but warm hearted.

19. Everyone needs a walk buddy. Especially when you don’t have to walk.

20. When you need to prove the shelter people wrong to stay with the nice hoomans.

21. All you really need is to hug your cat when you are sick.

What do you think about cats? How many of you love them? Share your cats’ stories in the comments below.
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