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50 Cats Who Chose Literally Anything Over Their Actual Bed

Cats are such wholesome and entertaining creatures, they keep on doing these adorable things that makes you love them even more. Having a cat as your pet is like having a package full of entertainment. Their wholesomeness and adorability makes your day. Have you ever observed your cats while sleeping. If you did, one thing you would have noticed is that they never sleep on the positions that are made for them, for example, their sleeping couches, their furry beds etc. Rather, they choose anything that will be so weird as compared to their actual bed. They would have their bed right beside that weird place but they will prefer a broken box, a stingy mat, or even a shoe to sleep in. I know this is bizarre, but that’s what cats are, right?

I know that you all would have been waiting for some adorable cats to brighten up your day. we have collected an enormous collection of adorable cats who slept at weirdest places instead of their own bed. These cats are so funny when you first observe them sleeping literally anywhere. If you are a cat lover, this post is definitely for you. Scroll down till the end to observe some truly adorable content.

1. Imagine walking into the kitchen and seeing your cat bust her head in a pan


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

2. She has her comfiest bed right above yet she chooses an old card box, great!


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

3. His face tells that he does not regret his decision of not choosing his bed


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

4. Yes mama, I am happy sleeping on the plastic bags in a smallest corner that I barely fit in


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

5. Turns out, your bags are not your bags anymore but your kitten’s sleeping couches


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

6. The rabbit is asking for help as she literally look his place, this is so funny


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

7. I am wondering how she managed to enter and then pull her face out

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

8. It is hence proved that cats will choose plastic bags over literally anything


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

9. The doll house now has a living resident inside it, sleeping calmly on the bed

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

10. I am so envious about her beautiful sleeping couch, it is so adorable. But she does not care and chooses a stupid card box to sit in


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

11. Their love for closed spaces, specially boxes is real as they will always choose them to get settled in

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

12. This picture is so funny and cute at the same time


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

13. This cat literally chose a sauce pan to sleep in, yes, a sauce pan, I mean..

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

14. So many days of hard work of building her home and this is her reaction, you can read it clearly by her face


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

15. When you actually see it

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

16. I guess the owner wasted their money by ordering the cot


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

17. Cats will be cats

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

18. Wow, such a comfortable to sleep in, I am inspired.


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

19. So happy to be in the place where she is

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

20. Why did I spend so much on the couch kitty? When all you had to do is jump inside a stupid bag


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

21. He does not even fit in yet she has tried her best to settle in and prefer it over his bed

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

22. RIP fruit basket


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

23. This person just told an effective method of making your pet sleep on their couch, it’s very innovative


24. What you expect vs What actually happens in the end



25. The culprit forgot to take his tail inside, caught red handed

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

26. I have seen so many cats sleep on plants and I wonder why


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

27. Guess a rustic ladder is more appealing than an actual cat tree tower

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

28. It’s so funny they always use things wrongly, can not stop laughing at the second picture


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

29. Rubbing themselves over weird surfaces is one of their favorite hobbies

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

30 So a tissue paper is more comfy, okay, I see you


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

31. Look at the other sitting on the one, using her as her bed, so adorable yet funny

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

32. I guess she was trying to do something but forgot it and slept in the middle while standing


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

33. Presenting you a naturally green cat bed

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

34. How did she even crawl under it, I am just wondering


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

35. Sitting at the top of the chairs is their favorite thing, but I did not know yet they would sleep there too

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

36. Imagine walking into your room to get something from your drawer and you see a cat cloth folded in like


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

37. It’s funny how they can fit into anything by changing their shapes

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

38. I think she forgot her couch was right after, or she intentionally choose the trash tray


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

39. Visual representation of typical cat behavior

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

40. Now at least the owners can be happy she’s on her bed no matter what’s above


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

41. Cats’ obsessions and love for shoe boxes can be found in every home

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

42. I see five heads but I do not know how they fitted in

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

43. I am just laughing at the way he is leaning

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

44. Bins over sleep couches

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

45. This is hilarious

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

46. Cat couch is only for decoration

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

47. Wondering how the grass turned brown

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

48. Happily sitting on that one broken piece of cardboard

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

Cats has this inherent nature to sit at stupid surfaces. Their love for closed spaces and boxes is well known. Wherever they see a box, they just want to jump right in. It’s cute how cats can be weirdly funny and entertaining. I guess, this is what makes them special. So far, did you enjoy these cat photos that we presented to you? Tell us which cat did you like the best? Also, does your cat also does sleep at weird places, if it does, share with us in the comment section below. Do not forget to share your feedback in the comments. Stay tuned in for more fun content.


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