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10+ Absolutely AdorablePics Of Cats With Their Celebrity Parents

Ever wondered whether your favourite celebrities are cat lovers are not? Let’s find out!

Without even a slightest of doubt, we can say those cat lovers are a diverse group, but regardless of their individual sizes, shapes, gender, ethnicity, or social status, there is one thing that’s common – their unconditional love for all things that’s related to their cats. Since we also love cats, we proudly stand with them. And the greatest feeling is when you discover that, being a cat person, one of your favorite celebs is also a lover of cats.

What better way to connect with your favorite celebrities than over cats! What makes it better is when they’re as crazy about our favorite feline friends as you are. Celebrities don’t shy away from showing their love for cats online, whether it be with cute pictures or adorable videos, these celebrities know how to show their love for our fur babies! Scroll down and explore how celebrities show love for their cattos!

1. Taylor Swift and her cat on the same wavelength

via taylorswift

2. Alexander Vlahos and his kitty literally have matching eyes!

via alexvlahosofficial

3. Alison Brie and her cat chilling on the couch

via Alison Brie

That’s one lazy cat

4. Dita von Teese and her precious baby!

via ditavonteese

5. Drew Barrymore with all her cat babies

via drewbarrymore

Drew’s angels?

6. Music isn’t the only thing Ed Sheeran is crazy for!

via teddysphotos

Winning the Grammy to his heart

7. Ellie Goulding playing hide-and-seek with her catto

via elliegoulding

8. Gigi Hadid and her cat are inseparable

via therealcleohadid

9. The best cuddles with Gilles Marini

via GillesMarini

10. Hailey Bieber with her favorite furballs

via kittysushiandtuna

11. Hideo Kojima spending quality time with his feline friend

via hideo_kojima

12. Ian Somerhalder and his best friend

via iansomerhalder

That’s one floofy ray of sunshine

13. Isla Fischer’s true hero!

via islafisher

14. James Franco’s favorite companion

via officialjamesfrancoo

15. Jay Baruchel’s kitten loves her daddy!

via jonathanadamsaundersbaruchel

We’re halfway through this list of celebrity and cat duos, and if you’re not a convert yet, we’ve got more in store for you. From cute munchkins sleeping next to their celeb owners, cats and celebs sharing food to the celebs gushing over how cute their feline friend is. We have more moments to share of our favorite celebrities sharing a wholesome pictures with their cat friends, and it gives us major positive vibes, so we wanted to share it back to the community. So keep scrolling and discover more cute and adorable pictures of our favorite celebrities and their cats.

16. Jenna Fischer’s closest to her catto!

via msjennafischer

17. Kat Denning with her furry friend!

via katdenningsss

18. These cattos cannot escape Katy Perry’s love!

via katyperry

Too much love!

19. Keegan Allen and his cat have similar expressions

via tynthecat

20. That’s one big boy hanging out with Kesha

via iiswhoiis

21. Macklemore going thrift shopping with his kitty

via cairothekat

22. Mandy Moore’s cat’s fav cuddle spot

via mandymooremm

23. Martha Stewart’s very own feline army

via marthastewart48

These cattos are royalty

24. Mayim Bialik all cuddled up

via missmayim

25. Nicole Kidman’s favorite past time

via nicolekidman

26. Peyton Clark’s cat found a great napping spot

via peytonpclark

27. Ricky Gervais, the master of comedy, with his muse

via rickygervais

28. Robert Downey Jr. with his sidekick

via robertdowneyjr

29. Russel Brand’s best friend

via russellbrand

30. Salma Hayek and her feline friend make an outdoor appearance

via yourcatwasdelicious

We hope you enjoyed the wholesome list of our favourite celebrities with their fellow cats. On the other hand, it gives us a chance to connect with them on a level that is only achievable with the help of our feline counterparts. Social media is filled with endless memes and banter, and amidst all that, we have our cattos and their celebrity counterparts to save the day, and let us all gush over how cute they look together!


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