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How Classic Disney Movies Look If They Were Made In Tim Burton Style

Are you a fan of Tim Burton? Or do you love gothic fantasies? If your answer is yes to all these questions, then you are at the right place.

Just Imagine, Tim Burton and Disney working together! Woah, it certainly would be a winning combo. There are countless Millennials who love everything about Disney and everything about Tim Burton. You can watch all Tim Burton movies on Disney+ before Christmas. Anyways, we can also use our imaginations to imagine all the ways that Tim Burton and Disney could work together! Inspired by Tim Burton’s dark and alluring style, an artist named Andrew Tarusov created these hauntingly beautiful illustrations of classic Disney films. Remakes are entrancing, and they add a new dimension to Disney’s classics.

As Disney and Tim Burton fans, we were immediately drawn to this project and are delighted with the results. Even if you’re not a Millennial, the combination of Disney and Tim Burton’s style has produced creative work that is both tasteful and chilling.

Wait! Grab a cup of coffee, relax, and then enjoy these fantastic gothic illustrations!

1. A Dark Gloomy Sad Pinocchio!


2. Bambi – lost in the wild forest.


3. A Dark Gothic Beast!


4. Eeh! Her neck is absolutely horrendous.


5. A Creepy Lion King!


Characters and films from Walt Disney Studios are known for their impeccable moral character. They create stories that are enjoyable and educational for everyone. No matter what age, gender you are, you will always enjoy their fascinating stories. And while we appreciate that, we wish they had a little more room to grow.

Almost all of Disney’s characters look and act the same. Unless they’re villains, they’re always upbeat and usually end up with a happy ending. They’re dressed in a rainbow of hues, and their hair is a model’s dream come true. When it comes to these fictional characters, we can’t help but fantasize about what they’d look like in real life.

Unfortunately, Disney’s characters have been replaced by many artists around the world who have transformed our favorite cartoons characters into many different looks. Whether it’s gothic, vintage, or any classic look, these fandom artists never fail in transforming these characters into something new and creative. Likewise, this artist has transformed many characters by giving them a gothic makeover inspired by Tim Burton. However, the Disney creative team would not be pleased to see their characters in gloomy and dark themes or characters.

Anyways, let’s scroll down to see some more gothic characters from our favorite movies.

6. The artist changed the whole concept of Sleeping Beauty. Amazing!


It takes a lot of imagination and creativity to come up with something completely new. Until now, no one in the world had ever imagined what this Sleeping Beauty illustration can be. This artist, on the other hand, created this visually stunning illustration to demonstrate that a film’s underlying themes can be transformed to make something wholly new.

7. Is there something wrong with them?

8. Dumbo – why being so DUMB?


9. Snow White looks so spooky.

10. Aladdin looks so confused.


What do you think of these gothic illustrations? Do you consider the gothic or classic look of these Disney Characters? Whatever you like, let us know in the comment section below. As we’d love to hear from you all!


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