A tale of malicious compliance and satisfying revenge.
Finding a job at the start of your career is hard so you end up compromising on whatever comes your way. Our first jobs are the ones that teach us lessons and lucky are the ones who get kind yet professional bosses at the start of their career. As far as I could remember, my first boss was rude and nosy. My first job experience was exhausting but one good thing about them was, they never deducted my salary. Always paid me full salary and on-time. What would you do if your boss cut your half salary? How frustrating it is when you put so much effort into something and do not get paid for your service? A Reddit user shared his story when his boss told him he would be paid half the salary from now on and if he is not happy with the decision, he can go, find a new job. Scroll down to read how OP was maliciously complied by his bosses and how he took satisfying revenge on his bosses unintentionally.
The cast:
The incident took place back in 2005 or 2006.
He got a call from a startup company and they wanted to have a face-to-face interview.
The pay was higher, OP agreed to the job and they shook hands.
OP saw red flags on the very first day of his work.
OP sat down and get back to work.
OP was alone in the office and the only thing that could console him was that at least he was employed again. OP and boss didn’t get along.
It was Monday and the Big Bro came in.
OP needed a day off for a special occasion.
OP felt frustrated by Chad and betrayed by Big Bro.
Chad apologized for yelling at OP and gave him a day off.
Chad hired the third engineer and decided to cut OP’s half salary.
June came in and Chad had the perfect opportunity for malicious compliance. It’s weird how Chad never invited OP or anyone else before for a walk outside and the first time in life he did, it was to break this news that he has hired a third engineer and that OP’s salary will be cut in half from now on. It’s fine that you want to hire a third engineer but you can’t deduct from your old employee’s salary to pay the new resource. Chad never took the responsibility of being a boss and never lead his team. If he ever have directed his team in the right direction, we are sure they would have completed the project long before the deadline. Sometimes in life, we need to hold our bosses accountable for their mistakes and their actions.
OP did something he had not done since his joining.
OP told Big Bro about the new opportunity.
OP got the offer letter from the new job.
Richard was pissed to hear that OP found a new job and that he was leaving.
After four months, Big Bro texted OP and they scheduled a lunchtime call.
Part 1 of the call.
Part 2 of the call.
The new guy packed up his things and quit on the spot.
Customers demanded refund and some went for legal action against them. They were forced the shutter the business.
Final note for the fellow software engineers.
We appreciate OP for the way he took petty yet satisfying revenge on his bosses. He did exactly what was needed and to everyone noticing red flags at their workplace, do the same. Secretly find a new job, sign the offer letter and enjoy a healthy work environment with a better salary. We are not obligated to stay at toxic workplaces and we believe everyone should be paid a handsome salary so they can afford to live a better life. With OP, we also appreciate Big Bro and Eddie for being smart enough to play with Chad and Richard. What a satisfying revenge! Totally loved every bit of it. What about you? What are your thoughts about it? Have you ever been maliciously complied? Comment down if you enjoyed reading this revenge story.