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Employee Gets Fired And Then Asked To Finish Job, Says It Violates Their NDA

Do you remember when we used to share frightening stories with our buddies when we were children? And, more often we’d exaggerate a little to add juiciness to the story. However, as adults, we still have some frightening stories to share; but this time, these stories are about horrible workplace incidents, and sometimes it’s a story about the absurd behavior of our bosses. Some stories bring elicited a range of emotions, from chuckles and tears of delight to chills and facepalms.


Every time, we share some hilarious workplace stories with you, but this time, we came across the craziest and absurd work experience of a guy who was fired for no good reason. Why did he get fired right away? Just scroll down and read the whole thing!

Since day one, this guy has been having trouble in this organization. Everything, from onboarding to training, was a complete mess.

Via cranne

Anyways, it didn’t bother him. He thought to ask for clarifications but unfortunately, his manager was bad at the English language and it’s definitely a problem!

Via  cranne

The guy did his best and everyone was happy with his work until there was a meeting with the team.

Via  cranne

The guy was fired immediately because of the reason that his email response was slow? What? No way! Despite the fact that everyone was pleased with his job, firing someone because he was slow to respond to emails is not fair. We have seen many companies that have been known to fire employees for no apparent cause. Firing the employees means losing human capital, and ultimately it has a negative impact on the company’s productivity.

This guy has signed a non-disclosure agreement, and that was a plus point for him.

Via cranne

According to Legal and HR, this guy was technically correct.

Via cranne

We appreciate the fact that the Legal and HR department agreed that the guy was technically correct at his place. But, this was also a negative point for the organization as they were having an event which was to be handled by this guy and now he’s fired so the company has to start from the scratch.

Anyways, it’s not wrong to say that this guy is smart enough to know how to take revenge smartly.

Hah! The manager lost his job after the event went awry.

Via cranne

Hilarious! It’s shocking that a company can fire a worker who had received only positive feedback about his performance. Regardless of the circumstances, there are still managers that make the workplace a terrible place to work. If you are fortunate enough to have a kind and considerate boss, consider yourself as one of the luckiest person alive. Most of us have had to deal with a manager who brought us to tears or was red with wrath or who made us hate going to work every day. We can all agree on this!!

Let’s have a glimpse at what strangers commented on this post:

Via cranne
Via cranne
Via  cranne

Ever experienced such ridiculous behavior of your boss at the workplace? If yes, do share your story with us in the comment section below.


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