Who doesn’t love dogs? According to a survey 74 percent people prefer dogs over cats. It simply means there are more dog lovers than cat lovers. Dogs are just too precious. They can not be ignored. One can not resist petting them for being such a good kid. Although dogs can be rather noisy sometimes, but that’s all right. At least they’re not as*holes like cats. By nature, dogs are outgoing and friendly. Probably that’s why they are quick to help others and make new friends. On the other hand, some dogs are a bit shy around new people, but they adapt to their surrounds pretty quick.
Dogs are famous for their extraordinarily sharp sense of smell and their intelligence. They are capable of performing tasks like humans when trained right and they posses quick learning skills as well. Therefore a lot of dogs are employed and have real jobs. Some of them are working as security dogs, some are working with detectives. Some dogs have been assigned the post of therapy dogs at the hospitals and some work as nurses. There are dogs in almost every field working side by side humans and helping them make the earth a better place to live. We came across a hilarious twitter account @DrDogMD. This is an impersonation of a dog who has apparently pass the medical school and has taken over the medical profession. Here are 17 hysterical conversations with Dogtor Dog. Scroll down to read.
#1 Dog’s unending rivalry with cats.

#2 “Let’s go for a walk at the dog park to test your bone *drooling* *suddenly coughs* i mean your leg.”

#3 That’s rude! Dogs are too pure.

Dogs are too pure and they only belong in heaven. We must have done something great in our lives to deserve a pet as good as a dog. They are friendly and only want the best for their owner. Not only do they befriend them but also do everything to protect their best friends—their owners. Where on earth will we find a friend like a dog? Who’s loyal, affectionate, protective and the best therapist as well. Not to mention, our dog knows all our deepest, darkest secrets and still love us no matter how scary those secrets are. There’s no way they’re going to hell. They do not belong there.
#4 There are bigger problems than dying, my friend.

#5 See ya!

#6 Dogs will be dogs, we suppose.

#7 “Oh, my dinner *Coughs* I mean my patient.”

#8 We wish Dr Dog best of luck in his squeaky repairing operation.

#9 “Pat me! I deserve good boy pats.”

#10 “For me silly!!”

#11 “Let’s play fetch.”

#12 Oh, Dr Dog, you’re such a baby.

#13 Aww… He deserves some pats for his services.

#14 Dr Dog, why don’t you try it with your mouth.

#15 We feel ya, doc!

#16 *Dog sees a cat* The war has been declared.

#17 “My generations will be paying off the loan.”

These tweets are super hysterical. More power to Dr Dog. God forbid, if you ever got sick would you visit Dr Dog for your treatment? Let us know in the comments below.