Nobody likes a bridezilla.
What is a bridezilla? Well, a bride who is not only overdramatic but is acting like a complete monster. I understand that this may be harsh but it is also true. I get that preparing for a wedding can be hard and most brides want it to be perfect but that doesn’t exist. So in the journey towards perfection, they end up alienating everyone around them. That is exactly what is happening in this particular story.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I understand that people want their wedding to be a certain aesthetic. Whether that means adhering to a starry night or the pink colour but that does not mean you can force other people to dress however you want. I think we as a society let brides get away with a lot just because it is their ‘special’ day. It should be the perfect day because you are getting to marry the love of your life so it should matter what the wedding looks like but this bride did not get the memo.
You can take a look at the full conversation between the bride and her friend by scrolling below.
The conversation starts out nice enough but the bride gets into the issue quickly.
She wants her friend to do a lot of things for the wedding.
And she isn’t comfortable doing that which is perfectly understandable to me.
The bride just comes off as rude and it is as if she really doesn’t want her there.
So the conversation was shared.
What is so weird about tattoos anyway? I have seen a lot of people saying they don’t want tattoos showing on their wedding day which is just weird to me. Maybe it is just me but I think tattoos are a work of art and as long as the tattoo in question isn’t hateful or inappropriate, this shouldn’t be a problem. Not only that but this woman also wants her friend to colour her hair a more ‘natural’ colour. Does she know how hard it is to go back to blonde once you colour it brown? I would never want to go through that hassle.
And as is expected, people were quite surprised by it all.
Honestly, the bride was very rude about everything.
And how can someone wear a jacket when it is hot?
This comment puts it perfectly.
Honestly, I would do the same if someone asked me to cover my tattoos.
She also maybe hiding this from her partner.
But she is creating drama out of nothing.
I can only hope that the friend doesn’t go to her wedding because this is awful.
After all that drama, I am in desperate need of cat tax!

Sophia is unsure about music playing from Alexa.
What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you believe the bride asked for too much? Or do you believe it’s normal? Should her friends pay attention to her? What would you do in this circumstance? Would you attend the wedding? Please let us know in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can weigh in as well.