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Woman Doesn’t Know How To Give Her Co-Worker A Free Car Without Making It Weird

It is always a good idea to assist others.

However, just because you want to help someone doesn’t mean they’ll accept ‘charity’. And, while I understand that not everyone does good for selfish reasons, some people simply want to rule over others. As a result, it is understandable that many people feel belittled when they receive something for free. That is why it is encouraging to see people like this exist in the world who want to help someone in need but are concerned about how the recipient will react.


This woman, you see, wants to help her coworker by giving him a free car. He has apparently been through a lot, and his car has also broken down. So you can safely say that he is doing his best to get through it all while maintaining his dignity. That is why she is concerned that when she tries to give him the car, he will not accept it well. So she turns to Reddit for advice on how to handle the situation.

Scroll down to read the full story and see how the interaction turned out.

Source: Reddit

This story jumps right into the heart of the problem.


She just wants to help him but is worried about how he will take it.


So she decided to ask the Internet for help.


She already had a plan but was unsure if it was the right one.


But the Internet give her the insight she needed and she went through it.


She was rambling a bit but she also tried to explain her point of view.


So she continued on until he could respond properly.

But he took it exceptionally well and teared up.


At the end of the day, she was worried about nothing.

I’m glad he didn’t think it was strange and accepted the assistance without complaint. It’s clear that she was only doing it out of kindness and didn’t want to lord it over him. Seeing these kinds of stories is truly heartwarming, and they certainly restore my faith in humanity. I can only hope that he recovers and continues to do well. After all, he’s doing his best, and sometimes a little assistance is all that someone needs to keep fighting.

Things really did keep piling on him.


I am glad that he still has his head held high.

A lot of people needed to see this story to get their belief restored in humanity.


Sometimes all one needs is a helping hand.

It can trigger some people’s anxiety to put into this kind of situation after all.


There was apparently someone cutting onions at my house as well.

Have you ever been in a situation where someone stepped in to help you and it completely changed your life? Please let us know in the comments section below, as the Internet could always use more wholesome stories. Also, don’t forget to share this heartwarming story with your friends so they, too, can have their faith restored in humanity.


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