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20 Of The Creepiest ‘When You See It’ Pictures Ever With A Scary Twist


Do you like to give yourself a heart attack?

Because if you’re prone to having a weak heart, I wouldn’t recommend going any further. This is the only warning you are going to get so proceed at your own risk. So now that we have that out of the way, let’s get down to the horrific stuff. You know how we all have that friend who likes to make creepy faces and photobomb the pictures? Well, this is something like that but taken to the net level.

You see, there are secrets hidden in these pictures and you won’t be able to see the truth at first glance. Whether it be because the thing is well hidden and the person taking the picture didn’t even know or it might be because they have blended into the background. Don’t worry we will help you see it. So scroll on below to take a look for yourself. And don’t forget to steel yourself for a few surprises. 

#1 The girl peaking in the doorway is giving me the creeps.

Via flickr / CC0

#2 Just look at the left side of the pillow and you’ll get a scare.

Via Pinterest

#3 This is why one should never be out in the dark. Hopefully that man isn’t Slender Man.

Via Pinterest

#4 What even is that behind her?

Via Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY

#5 This is cute looking selfie but it takes a sinister turn when you look at the mirror on the left side.

Via Pinterest

#6 It looks like Pennywise is in that manhole with the guy.

Via Metaweb / CC-BY

#7 This is a very non-descript picture until you take a look at the reflection and the kid has a face on the backside as well.

Via flickr / CC0

#8 Another normal selfie but someone is peaking from above the door.

Via GNU Free Documentation License

#9 You will see the creepy photobomb when you see him standing in the middle of two pillars.

Via flickr / CC0

#10 If you look hard enough, you can see a ghost child alongside the moving swing.

Via GNU Free Documentation License

I know people love to yell ghost whenever they take a look at pictures like these. But usually, it is just a trick of the camera or an optical illusion because of what the person is wearing. And there is also the fact that a person’s eye can reflect light making it look like a demon is staring at the camera. Most of these scary pictures can be explained away easily.

#11 The person on the right is very creepy. I mean the eye with the heavy liner not the girl.

Via Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY

#12 Who is underneath the chair Katy Perry is sitting on? Nobody knows.

Via flickr / CC0

#13 Maybe it is their fourth friend trying to be funny or something a little more sinister.

Via Metaweb / CC-BY

#14 Can you see the little face on the left in between the two girls?

Via GNU Free Documentation License

#15 Why is this family sitting on a person? We don’t know.

Via Pinterest

#16 You can see the creepy Jason looking at the baby football.


#17 Either this is a ghostly child or very good optical illusion of a kid standing on the front tire of the tractor.

Via Pinterest

#18 This kid is just sleeping while someone else is besides him.

Via NU Free Documentation License

#19 Can you catch the peeping eye from the top bunk mattress?

Via Metaweb / CC-BY

#20 This might be hard to find but you can see a person standing in the center of the room perring from behind the broken wall.

Via flickr / CC0

Were you able to catch all of these from your first look? Or did it take you a minute to find some of these? Comment down below and let us know.


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