According to psychology, laughter helps us cope up with stressful situations, making us feel good and relaxed. Funny people are often seen as optimistic, easy-going and more approachable. People are naturally drawn to those who are funny and have a great sense of humour. Cracking jokes and making other people laugh is a skill that is learned. However, being able to get the joke and having that sense of humour to understand it is an inborn talent. Not everyone can understand a joke. There are many kinds of jokes. While some jokes are simple and straightforward, others are a bit dark with double entendre.
We all make jokes almost all the time. Sometimes even in the most serious situations, where joking is never a good idea. But the sh*t hits the fan when the joke takes a twisted turn. It starts off nice and funny but ends up as a treat for the dirty-minded people. Filled with dark humour and thrill. Something you wouldn’t say in front of your parents and would try your best to keep away from children. At times these jokes are low key disturbing but in a funny way, of course. Something that will keep our minds occupied with questions like why and how. Here we have collected 16 dark humour memes that take really twisted turns. Scroll down at your own risk.
Whoa, that rhymes.
We weren’t expecting this tho.
Something is definitely fishy around here.
Clearly a wrong stuart little.
Just in case, you need a little helping hand drinking all that cold water…
Doc’s a vampire.
Review of the year.
All people and business who are trying to sell their services or products try to come up with the most unique marketing ideas. They go through countless creative plans and arrange hundreds of meetings. After a lot of brainstorming sessions, they finally come up with the best idea that fits the personality of their product or the service and it is absolutely unique and catchy. In the process, they invest a great deal of time, money and effort. Sometimes the cost of marketing is way more than the production cost of the product. Companies hype up their products/ services to increase sales, but unfortunately, sometimes the product/ service fails to fulfil the purpose. That’s why people rely on reviews before buying a product. People write all sorts of reviews, some are good, some bad, some hilarious and some people write rather thrilling reviews that leave us speechless just like the above review of HyperX cloud 2 headphones.
That’s quite a portable baby.
Who gave him the driver’s license?
When you’ve escaped from Arkham Asylum.
Hope they’re talking about makeup…
That’s a true ride or die situation.
A book by Arthur Fleck.
Wait, what!?
Never thought how great of a difference capitalized letters can make.
Some of the most hilariously disturbing memes on the internet today. The last one totally stood out. Often times our conversations turn out to be pretty memeable. We all have at least one text message in our inbox that really cracked us up. Share your memes in the comments below. Do share this with others.