A whole new look of Disney characters.
I have seen many amazing Disney art pieces. So many talented artists have shown their creativity by creating Disney-related art. It is definitely because Disney has played a big role in our lives as children and it still remains almost everyone’s favorite as adults too. Even though it is unbelievable that there are actually people who might not be a big fan of Disney movies or shows but there is no doubt they love Disney art. Every artist has big respect and love for Disney art, it has inspired so many artists all around the world. It has definitely helped them improve their art and creativity. Disney has a big impact on every person’s life.
We came across this artist who happens to be a big Disney fan. He has made many incredible and unique Disney-related art pieces. Every artist has its own special style and aesthetic. The talented and wonderful illustrator Andrew Tarusov has a very unique style as well. He draws a very attractive and seductive version of Disney characters, transforming them into extremely hot beauties all the while keeping the original image attached with his work. So, that the viewers can see the real difference between the original work and his art piece. Keep on scrolling down to see those images…
1. Princess Belle from Beauty and The Beast.
Image Credit: © Andrew Tarusov
2. Princess Jasmine from Aladdin.
Image Credit: © Andrew Tarusov
3. Tinkerbell.
Image Credit: © Andrew Tarusov
4. Ursula from The Little Mermaid.
Image Credit: © Andrew Tarusov
Well, that was very impressive. I have seen many Disney-related art pieces but none like this. It has a really unique and special touch to it. The artist has done an incredible job, changing the whole personality and outlook of these characters. He even made them look more appealing and dangerously hot. They look like they are modeling for some fashion magazine. These Disney characters are definitely for adults, we would love to see a Disney channel for adults only and all the movies remade with these illustrations. Now, that would be too wild. I love how he even gave a new look to the villains as well. It has definitely made them seem more pleasing and fun who were once just scary and unlikable. I mean just take a look at Ursula, I am sure no one could love the original one. Not only for her bad character but her extremely unpleasant portrayal to match the evil personality of her character. However, we can not say the same about this updated hotter version of her. Anyone would happily give up their voice for her if she demands, I am afraid. Keep on scrolling down to see more of these amazing Disney updated art pieces down below…
5. The Evil Queen from Snow White.
Image Credit: © Andrew Tarusov
6. Maleficent from The Sleeping Beauty.
Image Credit: © Andrew Tarusov
7. Merida from Brave.
Image Credit: © Andrew Tarusov
Oh, wow. This is just so amazing, I could have never thought of these characters looking so much more real and extremely hot. Just take a look at the original portrayal of Merida and the artists reimagined version of her. They both are worlds apart, there is just a huge difference between them and we love both versions equally. What do you think about these restyled versions of Disney characters? Give your opinions in the comments down below…