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27 Disney Costumes That Are Perfect For This Halloween

These costumes can get casted in Disney live-action films.

Paying tribute to your childhood hero’s by cosplaying as them is always a great thing. Disney has played a very big role in our lives, whether it’s when we were little children or as adults. There’s everything for anyone by Disney. You just don’t have to be a 90’s or a 2000’s kid to know Disney and its flicks but their influence goes even back to the ’30s and ’40s. Hence we cannot question the relevancy of Disney as it’s been there for decades. And throughout all of these decades, there have been many and yes! many Disney characters. Hero’s, villains, side characters, love interests etc who have always been fan favourites and what better way to pay tribute to all of these rich characters than cosplaying as them. People of all ages dressing up as their favourite characters is such a wholesome way to pay tribute to all of these characters.

So today we’ve got 27 people who cosplayed as Disney characters. Here have a look:


1. All male hero squad played by female cosplayers.


2. Maleficent but its a boy.


3. The perfect family trio.


4. Up she goes like Russel.


5. Aww!! Look at this tiny monster.


6. Perfect cosplay as Moana.


7. Aerial cosplay, spot on.

8. Celia but its your sleep paralysis monster. 


9. Donald and Daisy looking really cute.

10. Dumbo played by this woman.


11. Their outfits are perfect as Repunzel and Cruella.

12. Her Esmerald outfit is so good. 


13. We’ll leave you to figure out who these two are.

14. Stich and Lilo.


All of these costumes are excellent. The people playing them sure know how to wear those outfits perfectly. Their way of giving tribute to these characters is really well done. Scroll down below for even more people portraying their favourite Disney characters.

15. The glorious sea queen, Ursla.

16. Mulan and Ping.


17. Queen of hearts from ”Alice in the wonderland”

18. Aerial and her prince.


19. Kevin. This one wins.

20. They nailed it.


21. Repunzel. Look at that adorable chameleon.

22. ”Fishyyy!! Wake uppp!!”


23. The Emperor’s New Groove getting some love.

24. The whole squad is spot on.


25. Kim and Shego.

26. Naveen.


27. Cinderella and Belle cosplay looking great here.

And with that, we conclude this list. We’re surprised to see the attention to detail these people portrayed to look like their favourite animated stars. Only a fan can look this good in cosplays. In the comment section below let us know about which one’s are your favourites out of all of these and who would you look to cosplay as?


What do you think?