Snapchat has taken over everything.
While in the past people were always on Facebook, now it is Snapchat that mainly everyone uses. Maybe it is the ease of use and the simplicity that comes with it when you are sharing your day to day things with strangers on the Internet. However, we are not here to talk about Snapchat directly. We are actually here to talk about Dog snap chats specifically. Now, before you go and try to download a version of Snapchat with only dos in it, I am sorry to say that it doesn’t exist……yet.
However, what does exist is amazing people who rather than sharing pictures of their food will post adorable pictures of their doggos doing the weirdest and funniest things. And the Internet can basically never have enough dog pictures so here we are. So if you have a dog then you will definitely be able to relate with these and even if you don’t have one, these photos might just convince you to get one. And who doesn’t want that?
So scroll below to take a look for yourself.
#1 There is a special pump but it is very hard to find.
#2 The puppers is not too happy with this development.
#3 Damn those look much better on the doggo than on humans.
#4 This happens to the best of us.
#5 ‘Did you just say we are going for a walk!?’
#6 He might be a little high in this picture.
#7 Are we sure this isn’t a cat?
#8 I’d say this is the best kind of gradient.
#9 Is that mud or matted fur?
#10 Okay, this is adorable.
#11 Only the best kinds of families are like this.
#12 Every dog photo is the best in my eyes. Even the derpy ones.
#13 Sometimes you don’t need eyes to see the cuteness.
#14 Now you have three pets and you can’t do anything about it.
#15 It honestly took me a minute to see the real dog.
This is why it has been scientifically proven that having a dog makes you an overall happier person. And who wouldn’t believe that once you take a look at these adorable pictures? Not only that but it is also known that they reduce your anxiety and we can’t forget about how loyal a dog can be when you properly take care of them. Basically, they are the best companions a human can have,
#16 Hopefully he likes baths.
#17 All I see is a lion in this picture.
#18 She wanted someone to tuck her in but nobody was there.
#19 This is the representation of true anger right here.
#20 ‘Wait, you mean you have a life outside your job?’
#21 ‘Are you going to put me in that contraption as well?’
#22 One of the wireless doorbells seems to be broken.
#23 Or he has found the perfect way to get his food first.
#24 ‘Wanna be my friend?’
#25 ‘I swear I wasn’t doing anything!’
#26 Labradogs sure do love getting dirty.
#27 Now, this here is the perfect excuse.
#28 The poor doggo is so sad.
#29 Their expressions say it all.
#30 There is no dog here, only ducks.
Did these Snapchats put a smile on your face? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to share with your friends so they can have their daily dose of adorableness as well.