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12 Dog Thoughts Your Dog Ponders When They’re Alone

Ever wonder what your doggo is thinking?

Dogs are always up to something. They would never rest if it wasn’t a necessity. And even when they are resting, the brain keeps turning page after page. Have you guys ever wondered what they’re thinking? We see them play, eat, chase a cat, or even rest, but we never know what’s going through their minds during all those activities mentioned up there. Could be anything. Your doggo could be smiling at you but might be thinking of biting you. Or, they could be planning a strategy to catch a squirrel. It all happens in a split second but it makes me really curious as to what exactly goes through that teeny tiny heads of theirs.

There are many ways to know that, actually. Yeah! We do our homework. One way, and please don’t laugh yet, is to imagine it yourself. We’ve got pretty big brains. Until or unless someone has mastered the woof woof language, the easiest way to know what they are thinking is to just make it up. Isn’t that what we do with our newborn babies as well? They cry, we give them food. They cry again, we make them sleep. It’s kinda funny.

Let’s take a look at some of these thoughts of dogs imagined by humans. Who knows? They could be super accurate.  Scroll down below to enjoy.

1. It’s all about perception, little guy.


2. The perfect plan of attack.


3. Doggo is in a serious dilemma.


4. He couldn’t resist laughing at that thought himself. But sorry to break it to you doggo, human anatomy doesn’t work that way.


5. It’s a long story. Let’s keep it short and just say we want to keep the legacy of your poop alive, doggo.


6. Oh!


How do you like it so far? To be honest, I think some of them could actually be accurate, you know. But honestly, if this is what dogs think, man, they need to spend more time doing activities instead of sitting alone.

Either way, these are super hilarious, and get ready for some more laughs.

7. They do take stuff very literally.

8. I don’t think that’s how hating works, little boi. All things aside, he did deserve a little bite.


9. Yup! They have dumb thoughts as well.

10. Umm, you did?


11. Don’t worry, Grandpa. You will always be there for your human.

12. Just one of those days where it’s just you and your deep thoughts.


That is all. What a journey. Just 12 pictures I can bet you are doing either of the 2 things; 1 is you could be laughing hysterically and the other is that you really are contemplating your opinion about doggos being super intelligent.

But you never know. There’s a reason why we are dissimilar. Perhaps, young puppies think of dumb things and the older ones could think of more mature things. Be it both, we love it. I have a wish to somehow learn dog language or to actually understand what they say. Imagine that. It would be so cool to know what they are saying or thinking while wagging their tails or licking your face. Or imagine knowing what they mean when they are barking at a person they think might cause harmr to you. I wish,

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