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15 Times Dogs Felt Completely Powerless After Cats Stole Their Beds

With 2 pets in the house, sometimes the rivalry between them can become real. Of course with each pet, they have their unique traits and personality that humans cater to accordingly, however, animals might understand the different needs and wants of animals, but to what extent, is the question.

Cats have a mind of their own and without a doubt, they do things that are feasible for them when they please to do so. They might have some concern for those around them, but the expression of it is just not there. They are pristine in their own kind. The posts below show how the cute furry dogs become helpless even in front of the cats to own their territory, maybe dogs are really that humble enough to let things be, or they just don’t know how to comprehend the situation on hand. The looks the doggos have on their faces make me pity them as they are in a state of confusion as to what just happened to them while standing there hoping for a miracle to happen.

1. The dog just has to snuggle in to make sure it fits, while on the other hand, with the ample space, it’s luxury up there.

Via Reddit

2. The king has officially taken the throne and will not like anyone to disobey their commands.

Via Reddit

3. The despair and anger are right there on the face while the cat just does not care about anything.

Via Reddit

4. Okay, so not just the bed but also the brand new toy, now that is just so cold-hearted man. I’m so sorry for you pup.

Via: Reddit

5. The humble beings just want a cushion under their head if not an entire bed to themselves. This just makes me sad.

Via Reddit

6. This is how you stand up for yourself or maybe just sit on top of your injustice? That’s my boy!

Via Reddit

7. He is in complete mental confusion as to why just why does the cat has to do this? What did the pup do to be on security duty all night?

Via Reddit

8. So it’s not just one cat but two. The poor pup surely is helpless as we all can see, the cries for help and justice.

Via Reddit

9. He is just sad as to what did he do to deserve such a tiny space. What is the point of cats getting beds when they have to steal?

Via Reddit

10. The cat is like “Don’t you dare step one foot on my duck feather-filled bed”.

Via Reddit

11. Okay, I am annoyed, the dog has to literally roll himself up to fit in the bed.

Via Reddit

12. Yeah boy, show them who the boss is around here!

Via Reddit

13. The cries of help to humans must put them in such pity, I am sure of that.

Via Reddit

14. His face shows clearly that this isn’t the first time, something like this has happened to him.


15. “Human, look at this, ask that cat of yours to find its bed somewhere else”.

Honestly speaking, this truly put me in straight-up pity and anger. Like what is the point of buying cats their beds when they just have to jump out of theirs and hijack someones else’s bed, that to not caring for how would the other sleep without a bed. Do your cats do the same with you too?


What do you think?