This is just what we needed.
In this cruel and dark place, dogs are the only thing left that is pure and wholesome. I don’t understand how anyone can hate on these adorable creatures. Dogs are really loving and playful. You can never feel sad when they are around because they can instantly lift up your mood. Dogs are like walking furballs of sunshine. If you don’t have a dog, you’re missing out on a lot. Living with a doggo can improve your lifestyle by 100%. So you should really consider making that addition to your family. Yes, they are family. They aren’t pets.
Your doggo will also entertain you with their weird and crazy antics. They are hilarious, even if they don’t really know it. That’s the best part about them, they don’t need anyone’s approval to be this cute and adorable. However, their weird side is what entertains us the most. So scroll down below to see some weird doggos that will make you smile:
1. Smile for the camera.
u/tduff00 / Via
2. Silently watching.
3. She’s just looking at you with love in her eyes.
4. There isn’t always an explanation for their behaviour.
5. Call me Thor.
6. Comfiest place in the world.
u/ImQueative / Via
7. It is an obligation.
8. Birthday happiness.
9. This flower seems delicious.
10. Just as weird as his siblings.
11. Hey there. Are you new here?
12. Playing hide and seek.
Look at all these silly doggos. Don’t they just crack you up? If you want free entertainment at home, spend some time with your dog. You’ll find yourself laughing out loud at their hilarious shenanigans. Doggos are all that is pure and precious in this world and they must be protected at all costs. Scroll down below for more weird doggos:
13. Fun pool party.
14. “He’s mine now.”
15. Can I watch you poop?
16. To balance the glass, you must become the glass.
17. They might cause chaos in the house though.
18. She definitely ate part of the mushroom.
u/GettinRDunn / Via
19. He has accepted defeat.
20. Well, that’s one way to get attention.
When my dog wants attention he gently bites a piece of furniture, holds perfectly still, and makes aggressive eye contact. It’s pretty weird and very funny. Also it works.
— Amanda Grigg (@grigg) March 10, 2019
21. Slow motion funny doggo.
22. Comforted.
Basically every time we eat dinner my dog starts bawling so we got her a chair so she could be included and she hasn’t cried since😩😩😩
— Lindsay (@lrparkes13) December 29, 2018
23. Someone seems confused.
24. So wholesome.
— Niamh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@Ni_av_h) February 17, 2017
What did you think of these silly doggos? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.