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These Good Dogs Just Got Adopted & Found Their New Forever Homes

Adopt, don’t shop!

Before you buy a dog from a pet store and give your money to breeders, consider adopting an animal from a shelter who has been looking for a forever home their entire life. By adopting an animal, you can change their life completely, and maybe even save their lives if it is a kill shelter. Every animal deserves to be loved regardless of what breed they are or how old they are. One of the best animals that you could adopt is a dog. Getting a dog is like taking home a ball of sunshine and happiness.

So when you adopt a dog, you sign up for one hell of a rollercoaster ride. Bringing home a dog can be a huge responsibility, but it has its pros. However,  there is one thing for sure. After you get a dog, both you and your canine friend will be a million times happier than you were before. We have some adorable doggo adoption stories for you today. Scroll down below to see them:

1. “So we decided to get a cat and we weren’t sure how Storm was going to handle the idea…..This is Savannah”


Via u/BToddy

2. “Niko has become a proud (surrogate) father”


Via u/thegreywolf0312

3. “The pup we just got meeting our oldest dog”


Via u/ElMatixx636

4. “I’ve always wanted a dog:) that dream came true”


Via u/gregoryadam88

5. “Despite my pleading, my parents never let me have a dog. At 26 years old I finally get to share my life with a furry friend. Welcome home, Rocky.”


Via u/EatingADeadHorse

6. “We’re adopting my friend’s senior dog who’s not allowed on their couch. I think he’s going to like laying on ours.”


Via u/rece123

7. “Our 8yo German Shepherd has never let anyone snuggle her for more than 5 minutes in her whole life. We brought home little Baker yesterday and they’ve been like this for hours.”

Via u/TechPoi89

8. “This isn’t a fancy video or anything really cool, just my newly adopted ex-racing greyhound rescue Max.”


Via u/degeneration

9. “A friend of mine who is a veterinarian contacted me today and told me if I wanted to adopt this little guy. I said yes and as of today he is my new puppy.”

Via u/whaterver-dont-care

10. “Adopted this amazing little guy earlier today”


Via u/SappyGilmore

11. “I got my first puppy. Meet Milo!”

Via u/ngcj

12. “Meet Gabby. We got her from a shelter and can’t figure out what breed she is. And yes! Her nose is a heart”


Via u/Hangytangy

13. “Meet Eddie, newly adopted senior pup.”

Via u/werdmonkey4321

14. “After 8 years of waiting for a house with a garden, we can finally adopt our first dog. Meet Rocket the Golden Retriever!”


Via u/Jymbaloo

Look at all these adorable faces. Imagine waking up to them every single day! Dogs are one of the few good things left in the world. They are pure and precious and need to be protected at all costs. If you don’t have one, please do yourself a favour and adopt one. I promise you, it will be life-changing. Scroll down below for the rest of the adoption stories:

15. “This is Bear. We adopted him on Saturday. This photo, taken yesterday by my 4-year-old nephew, was the first time he was willing to look at the camera.”

Via u/zoubizou

16. “Adopted her last week, she seemed to enjoy her first trip to the dog park”


Via u/RichLingonberry

17. “Just adopted our first dog! 4 months old, and 3 legs. Meet Ziggy :)”

Via u/NeatPineapple

18. “Meet Maui. I adopted him today, he’s a 3-year-old German Sheppard and my very first dog :)”


Via u/throwaway10010101100

19. “Yuki was adopted today!”

Via u/pumpkinbread987

20. “My grandmother adopted this 14-year-old angel that howls at the top of her tiny lungs and wears dresses made from t-shirt sleeves”


Via u/RoughDraught

21. “A few days ago, a stray dog came on my porch with three of her puppies. She came in the night and slept under one of the bushes. The next morning I heard squeaking coming from behind the shrubs. When I took a look, all 4 of them were hiding. I quickly got them out and gave them biscuits. I’ve adopted them”

Via u/IAmTheRealThug

22. “My first dog on my own, meet Skye”


Via u/The-Bear-Necessities

23. “My 5-year-old has been begging for months, and we finally relented. Meet Appa.”

Via u/SavisGames

24. “Wanted a puppy for years and it finally happened. Meet Stella!”


Via u/snorlax327

25. “Guess what good girl got adopted today”

Via u/Tricktree

26. “Everyone meet my new baby girl Kiora! I’m so in love with her”


Via u/Dumpling2463

27. “For six years I successfully convinced my better half to wait for us to settle down. The waiting is over. Meet Kenya.”

Via u/samuelhalff

28. “Meet the new member of my family, Albus.”


Via u/plutosgodfather

29. Inter-specie love.

Got my husband a kitten for his birthday, I think our dog Zoe loves her more than we do! (Zoe is 5 and a rottie-gsd mix) from r/aww

30. This guy is living with style.

I adopted Francis (14yrs) last year and I’ve posted a few times about our journey together. I bought a cart for him last week so he could feel the wind on his face and two fellow Redditors, Ryan and Jill (all the way from California!) sent him the coolest umbrella to pimp up his ride! TY ❤️❤️❤️❤️ from r/aww

31. Tug of war.

Adopted her her 2 days ago. Reddit, meet Penny! from r/aww

Have you ever adopted a dog? Share your fur baby’s story with us in the comments below.


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