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20 Dumb Fails By Kids Which Will Make You Laugh

All kids are from a weird universe.

Kids are dumb, crazy and full of energy we still wish most of us had while pushing to our thirties. It’s always so exciting to see a kid trying to be very smart and fail completely at something for the dumbest reasons and to be very honest, we all have been there. We have also been these dumb children at one point in our lives and it’s really embarrassing to think about the things that we’ve done but we won’t certainly talk about our awkward moments. would we? Although being really weird at a young age is important as it brings us more awareness and even if we disclude that, it’s the fun years and they matter a lot. So with that said today, we bring 20 times kids who appeared to be dumb and cute. Here you go:



1. This one’s a full story.




2. Awww we’ve all been in this kind of a situation.




3. Why do this?




4. Only a few.




5. Oh no! Wait till she grows up and see’s this.




6. What have you done!?




7. This grandpa was ready for an encounter.



8. How to keep perfect privacy.




9. Oh Jesus! We can only imagine what that talk would’ve been like.



10. Yes! Just like the pirates.



Enjoying the list. Most of these are hilarious. If you have kids, we’re pretty sure you have gone through very similar experiences or just having a little sibling exposed you to how dumbs little kids are. And of course, how can we forget, you were a little kid too and there’s no way, you were any different from these kids as a matter of fact, most of these would bring you a dose of nostalgia. Scroll down below for even more dumb kids posts.


11. It’s for others to read.



12. Toddler problems 101.




13. The most difficult thing to answer.



14. Just like the real thing.




15. Kiddy traffic block.



16. Maybe you guys should leave the house.




17. Self-awareness after this horrible incident.



18. Just toddler problems.




19. That’s one heck of a problem.



20. Something every 90’s and earlier kid has experienced.


And with that, we conclude this article, Let us know in the comment section below which of these posts were your favourite and if you’ve ever experienced something similar to these people whether as a child or as an adult.


What do you think?