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Executive Assistant’s Desire To Get The New iPhone Gets Her Fired

When you know the company you work for provides special perks to all employees, you should never get too picky and choosy about it. Accept what you are being given because the leadership likes this sort of behavior very much. Maybe you get a benefit and you expect something more, accept it, and honor that benefit. Maybe they will acknowledge this factor and provide you with another early benefit of a higher level that may surpass your satisfaction and needs. However, if you don’t honor the system, you will get thrown out of it eventually because no organization wants an employee whose personality and internal culture don’t match with that of the organization.

We will be touching on this topic in depth with a story that we have got for you guys. Reddit user u/Devilotx, part of the executive technical support team in a company, beautifully narrated a story about an executive assistant who when the new iPhone X came out put in a request for two of them for herself and her executive. OP sent the request for approval. The executive got put on the waiting list and the executive assistant’s approval got denied. OP informed her because she had just been issued a new iPhone 7 just months ago, she will have to wait a bit longer to get the new iPhone X.

The executive assistant got furious about it and decided to break her iPhone 7 and filed a request for the new iPhone X again. Instead, she got an iPhone 6S, a downgrade, as a replacement phone while they waited for her approval came back…surprise, it got denied again. So this time she broke the iPhone 6S as well. This time OP decided to report the matter to HR after collecting all evidence to prove she was breaking the phones herself and they were not accidents.

Her desire to get the new iPhone got her terminated instantly. Scroll down below to read the story!

1. OP works as a technician who provides assistance to senior executives and admin assistants.



Via u/Devilotx

2. With the particular position come special privileges.


Via u/Devilotx

3. Although the team is executive support when the CEO is around, one team member has to attend to him wherever he is, for whatever issue he faces.


Via u/Devilotx

4. The standard, yes.


Via u/Devilotx

5. At the time, the new iPhone came out so OP and his team started booking from people at the top all the way down. Some got told to wait because their current phones were still pretty new.


Via u/Devilotx

6. A request came in from an executive’s assistant for two new iPhones with maxed-out specifications.

Via u/Devilotx

7. Poor EA got denied because she had recently been given a new iPhone 7. She got angry and basically started crying to get the new phone, metaphorically speaking…She still got denied.


Via u/Devilotx

8. Of course her iPhone 7 suddenly stops working after her request for iPhone X got denied.

Via u/Devilotx

9. That was definitely not an accident. I call BS.


Via u/Devilotx

10. It seems like the screen was cracked first and then the phone was dipped in water.

Via u/Devilotx

11. OP decided to switch the broken iPhone 7 with a 64 GB iPhone 6S and gave it to EA.


Via u/Devilotx

12. EA did not like the downgrade and started ranting about it. OP informed her this was just a temporary switch and that a permanent replacement will soon be provided.

Via u/Devilotx

She was hoping to finally get an upgrade after breaking her iPhone 7. Hilarious to read that she got a downgrade as OP handed her an iPhone 6S. Imagine the look on her face, I am in splits right now. This woman’s desire for the new iPhone is going to get her in trouble.

Let’s see what she does with this iPhone 6S that she temporarily got and whether this time the request for her new iPhone will get approved or not. Scroll down below to continue reading!

13. The official approval came back for EA’s new phone, which was denied once again, meaning the iPhone 6S is now her permanent phone. She threatens OP about her reporting the matter to the executive.


Via u/Devilotx

14. And the very next day after her approval got denied, coincidently EA’s iPhone 6S also broke.

Via u/Devilotx

15. EA lies about how the phone broke and where it broke. OP decided to take his manager to the security room to check the recordings to verify her statement.


Via u/Devilotx

16. Behold, the criminal got caught red-handed.


Via u/Devilotx

17. I feel so bad for the iPhone. Poor guy got annihilated.

Via u/Devilotx

18. After confirming it was all EA’s doing to get the new iPhone X, OP reported the whole matter to HR with evidence.


Via u/Devilotx

19. EA gets terminated but because she had already gone home for the day, they disabled her account and flag her security badge so she cannot come in the next day.

Via u/Devilotx

20. And that is exactly what happened, her card didn’t work and she got taken to HR by the security officer.


Via u/Devilotx

21. 30 minutes later, a crying, screaming EA gets respectfully escorted out of the building.

Via u/Devilotx

22. The eye contact she so didn’t want to make.


Via u/Devilotx

23. It’s like winning against the final boss in Tekken. You guys deserve a pizza.

Via u/Devilotx

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

24. She had a Ph.D. in stupid.


Via RangerSix

25. The devices were never at fault…rest in peace.

Via ForceBlade

26. Everyone is the king in their own jungle.


Via obxtalldude

27. That would be so hilarious.

Via steelbeamsdankmemes

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thought in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via livelaughshart

Dog tax.

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