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Karen Files A Complaint Against A Person She Thought Was An Employee

Karen Files Complaint

Mistaking a non-employee person for an employee is something we have seen happen quite a lot. And it is alright, we can all make mistakes. Sometimes you are at a store or a shop where the uniform for all the workers is red shirts and black pants. If a customer comes in wearing the same colors, they can get mistaken for it and it is perfectly alright. That customer can simply say they don’t work there and things move on.

But when a person purposefully wears an attire to differentiate themself from the store employees just so they do not get stopped by customers, then you making a mistake to think they are an employee is something slightly not ignorable. Especially when you are a fully evolved Karen who will not listen to you repeatedly saying you don’t work there.

Today’s story is about a regional sales manager, Cweev10, who worked at the focal firm dealing with the leadership of both suppliers and retailers. One time OP went to visit a store to conduct a performance assessment on a brand ambassador and tried his absolute best to look distinct from all the employees there so he doesn’t get stopped by customers for help. But he did get stopped that day and that too by a Karen. She wanted something and she won’t listen to the fact that he said he didn’t work there. Eventually, he helped her but she kept taunting him to not fraud her and kept shoving her job designation, that of a realtor, in his face. After helping, he decided to taunt her back which made her angry and resulted in her filing a complaint against him. That is when she got told the person she filed the complaint against does not work at the store.

Scroll down below to read the story!

1. Coming straight at you, this time from Best Buy.


Via Cweev10

2. OP works as a regional sales manager for an electronics manufacturer.



Via Cweev10

3. OP tries to make it very clear to the customers with his appearance that he is not a worker when he goes into stores.




Via Cweev10

4. One time OP got approached by Karen who was at the store to buy an open-box TV. OP tried explaining he does not serve customers but she didn’t want to hear that, I guess.




It feels like the woman is going to make the situation worse for herself.

Via Cweev10

You guys already know the story should’ve ended when OP told Karen that selling products at the store did not concern him and that he was there just to visit. But no, she wants that TV, and she wants it specifically from OP. And then she proceeds to push him right to the edge by telling him she is a realtor and that his sales tricks won’t work on her. I don’t know much about sales guys but you definitely don’t say such a thing to a regional sales manager when you are seeking his help to make a purchase decision.

Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

5. It is commendable the way OP is still bearing up with her.


Via Cweev10

6. That was a rock-solid example of perfectly explaining to her the concept of visual product marketing.




Via Cweev10

7. The woman ended up filing a complaint against OP only to realize no one with that name worked at the store.


Via Cweev10

Here are a couple of comments shared on the story:

8. Unless it gives me a discount, throwing my job title around is not required…at all.


Via SheWhoLovesToDraw

9. It was a Reverse-Uno of the highest order.



Via DrP3pp3rFl04t

10. That perfectly explains OP in this story.

Via SemiCircleSquare

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via racheverywhere

Cat tax.

This cat was extremely excited to play hide-and-seek but didn’t quite understand the rules before diving into the competition. At least it had fun.


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