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Father Gives Confidence To His Daughter To Punch Her Bully

bullied daughter

I hate bullies. We all do. I really don’t know where this concept evolved from but whoever did it, human you totally suck. The basis of bullies revolves around establishing authority by using violence and aggression as a tool to achieve it. You will find bullies everywhere; in schools, in universities, in offices, in family members, and so on. The job of people who are close to the person being bullied is to not let them lose their confidence. Just keep letting them know this bully is no one to shatter them and that they can totally fight back. And on your own, try to report a bully where ever you see one, just help society. Do your part.

In today’s story, we have Reddit user u/MightyMomma3 who is a Dad sharing the incident of her daughter being bullied by a boy in school. The father had tried reporting the matter to the school teachers but things would just not get resolved. The boy would keep hitting her and she would almost always come home crying. Knowing the authorities are not going to do anything, the Dad decided to give his daughter the confidence she required to deal with the bully and he even told her to punch him back hard if he hurts her the next time.

Scroll down below to read the story!

1. This bully needs to be put in his place.



Via u/MightyMomma3

2. I would’ve smacked that kid there and then. There is no space for bullies in this society.


Via u/MightyMomma3

3. Unfortunately though, no one at the school is doing anything about it. In fact, it is the girl who gets punished for telling.


Via u/MightyMomma3

4. No, Dad. You will have to do something about it yourself because they are not going to do anything.


Via u/MightyMomma3

5. So the dad decided to give confidence to his little girl and told her to stand her foot and punch the bully back if he hurts her again.


Via u/MightyMomma3

6. The karate girl will definitely give the bully a taste of his own medicine…or beyond that.

Via u/MightyMomma3

7. OP is the best dad ever. Period.


Via u/MightyMomma3

8. Trust me, in such situations, violence is the answer.

Via u/MightyMomma3

When you are left with no other option, and the fact that you have tried your best to have the matter resolved by informing about the matter to the higher authority, then violence becomes a necessity at times to deal with the situation. The bully is not going to rest. OP asked for suggestions, I would like to give one. He should teach his girl how to kick hard exactly between the legs. No matter how many times the two fight, she should only aim for that spot. Kick the manhood out of that bully baby.

9. Glad the school did something. The kid may not face the wrath of the karate girl after all.


Via u/MightyMomma3

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

10. Exactly what I said.


Via unimatrix_zer0

11. I 100% agree.

Via sirli

12. Who even came up with that phenomenon?


Via lurkervonlurkenstein

13. That will show how terribly they have been neglecting such a serious situation.

Via kalez238

14. Get her prepared.


Via Reallynoreallyno

15. I wonder what will happen if they decide to punish the girl for fighting back against the bully. I would lose all faith In humanity, that is for sure.

Via tea_please_88

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Unexplainable Cat Images

Cat tax.

“I wanted to be nice so I meowed back at my cat. Not sure of what I said, but she has been staring at me like [this ever since].”


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