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Sexist Father-In-Law Gets Put In His Place When He Wants The Hostess To Serve Him

Sexism is still alive and well to this day.

You might think that we as a society have made huge strides when it comes to sexism but sadly, there are still many people attached to the old way of thinking. Even though we would like to believe that everything has changed, there are still a lot of things that need to change in this day and age and it always starts at home. However, we are well aware of some family members who wouldn’t change no matter how hard we try and that is where this particular Father-in-law comes from.

He still thinks that we live in the 18th century where women have to serve dinner. Not only that but he also thinks that he deserves to sit at the head of the table since he is the primary breadwinner of the family which is ridiculous. It always surprises me to see people who think this way to this day but I hope there comes a time when everyone can put up a united front against sexism. Atleast for today, we do have some slight petty revenge from the woman who told her father-in-law that he could starve if he didn’t want to serve himself.

You can read the whole story for yourself by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

They were hosting a dinner for their family.


The main reason for this dinner was the announcement of their pregnancy.


But things never go well when in-laws are included in any type of celebration.


And this time was no different.


Everyone was serving themselves except her Father who couldn’t do it himself so his daughters helped him.


This honestly seems like a normal family gathering where everyone serves themselves.


However, the FIL couldn’t let it go and asked to be served by the hostess.

She told him outright that she wasn’t going to do that which made him angry.


He obviously left and I think that was the best thing that could have happened. I truly don’t understand how these sorts of people can live in this world. Is it so weird to serve yourself? Even I sometimes sit at the head of the table even though I am a girl and not really the primary breadwinner. This thought process is always surprising and I am glad that she was able to stand her ground and told him like it was. I only feel sorry for the MIL who has had to live with this person all her life and deal with his childish antics.

He really did act like a child and threw a fit.

Reddit commenters agreed that it was all his fault.


He needs to go out o his bubble and understand life is much different nowadays.

I am sure the Father only wanted to keep the peace.


But sometimes, it is necessary to stand your ground.

The MIL deserves kudos for dealing with her husband.


This would actually be the perfect way to deal with him.

I hope everyone else enjoyed the dinner.


He can set his own rules at his house.

That honestly wouldn’t have surprised me.


Sometimes people need to hear no.

I am also glad that the husband took her side.


Some people even shared their own experiences with similar situations.

He clearly wanted to throw a tantrum and he got what he deserved.


She does not need to apologize for anything.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you ever had to deal with a sexist family member? If so, how did it go? Comment down below and let us know. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their personal experiences in the comments as well.


What do you think?