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15 Photos From Couples That Reveal The Hilarious Side Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is definitely a rollercoaster ride.

Your image of pregnancy might be mostly morning sickness and a lot of labour pains. Sure, all of that happens but there is a lot more to pregnancy than just that. The 9 month journey has a lot of ups and downs. Most importantly, it gives the chance for the partners to bond while the woman is pregnant. The partner is supposed to take care of the pregnant woman when she is in pain, deliver her food when she is craving weird stuff at odd timings and laugh with her at the shenanigans that pregnancy brings to them. Yes, pregnancy can be funny as well. So, pregnancy is not just pain and seriousness. It can be fun as well. How so? Well, we have gathered 15 funny stories for you to figure that out with. Scroll down below to enjoy a good laugh:

1. “Wanted to do something a bit more grand to break in my new Lodge 12, but my pregnant wife wanted a grilled cheese at 2:30 AM.”


© Clamwacker / Reddit

2. “There was a loud sound so this little protector cuddled up to me and my baby bump.”


© ARegularRaggabrash / Reddit

3. “Waited for an entire pregnancy and 2 extra months for this photo. My husband’s carbon copy.”


© ohheysamkog / Reddit

4. “First-time dad, Costco had a diaper sale and baby not due yet. Did I go overboard?”


© xQcKx / Reddit

5. “Had my 20-week scan today (all good!) and our Pixar-themed nursery is ready for our little girl!”


© jonesy527 / Reddit

6. “The best thing about the belly is having a portable table.”


7. “My pregnant wife had to dress up as a superhero for work today.”

© Avengers: Endgame / Marvel Studios© parkerob / Reddit

Well, these pregnant ladies sure know how to have fun. A sense of humour is really important to have if you are pregnant. It makes the whole experience a lot better. The stress of pregnancy can be a bit overwhelming and you will need to refresh yourself every now and then. Lucky are the ones who have supportive partners to help them through the journey. And if they have a good sense of humour, that is just the cherry on top. Keep scrolling below to see more hilarious pregnancy stories:

8. “Was looking everywhere for my phone. Gave up and brought a new one. 2 days later… I found it. Thanks, pregnancy brain.”


© phenixia / Reddit

9. “My wife sneaking up on me…!!!”

© ShivayVeerSharma / Reddit

10. “My pregnant wife wanted pancakes in the middle of the night. I delivered.”


© XY1337 / Reddit

11.  “These 2 have been inseparable since my wife got pregnant. Today’s my wife’s due date. I think our cat knows.”

© Danyandme / Reddit

12. “I won’t get many chances to paint a pumpkin on my wife’s bump. Happy Halloween!”


© spinalshock87 / Reddit

13. “Supergirl costume”

© Freya_Strahug / Reddit

14. “I raise you my husband’s drawing on my baby bump from a few months ago.”


15. “Nursery at 35 weeks. Complete with orange cat inspecting the gifts. Nailing it!”

© WeeBean24 / Reddit

Have you ever experienced something funny with a pregnant person or during pregnancy yourself? Share your stories with us in the comments below.


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