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Girl Asks If She’s Wrong For Feeling Uncomfortable With Roommate’s BF

Living with roommates has always been smooth sailing for OP until Carol’s boyfriend started staying over without any notice. This situation has made OP quite uncomfortable, and OP is not sure how to address it. While OP respects Carol’s relationship and her right to spend time with her boyfriend, he wishes she had communicated beforehand. OP believes in shared space etiquette, and this situation is affecting my daily life. Some of my friends support my feelings, while others think I’m bitter.


OP hasn’t talked to Carol about it because OP is unsure if he is in the wrong here. The underlying message in this situation is the importance of open communication and respecting shared living spaces. Discussing concerns politely is crucial to maintaining a harmonious environment when living with roommates.

Scroll down below to read the full story.

OP shares an apartment with two other girls; Carol moved in with her boyfriend, causing disruptions.


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OP won’t control her life, but Carol never mentioned her BF moving in. He appeared, using their space freely.


OP is uneasy with him always being here but unsure how to discuss it. OP doesn’t want to invade her space.


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OP would appreciate it if she’d informed them. OP has discussed it with friends and roomie; they have mixed opinions.


OP is asking if this is controlling behavior and if it makes him an a-hole.


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OP apologizes for any language confusion. They share the house equally; OP didn’t mean to imply otherwise they have a good relationship.


The BF is here all the time.

OP is explaining other stuff related to the BF and what makes him uncomfortable.


Now that you have read the story, it’s time to see what Redditors said. Read till the end to see other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article, too.

People are of the view that OP can send boundaries.

That’s what everyone should do.


No one would be happy for an extra person to always be around their place.

It’s okay for you to talk about things that make you uncomfortable.


People should also think before invading someone’s personal space.

Everyone has the same opinion.


What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? Your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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“Please pour one out for my little buddy. He crossed the rainbow bridge today unexpectedly”

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