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25 People Who Are Definitely Having A Worst Day Than Yours (2022 Edition)

We all have bad days.

Every day is different. Even if you plan everything to a T, nobody can make plans for everything. Like how you might wake up with acne on your face on the day of an important meeting and there is nothing you can do about it. And while that may sound awful, there are worse things that can happen to you to make your day that much worse. Atleast that is what happened with these people.


You know how sometimes we like to revel in our misery and say that ‘it is the worst day ever’ just because you didn’t have time to get your morning coffee? Well, that is nothing compared to what these people had to deal with. And no I am not just talking bout birds pooping on your shirt because these instances took it to a whole new level. So if you are having a bad day and want to feel better, say no more.

Just scroll below to take a look for yourself.

#1 No need for white hair dye anymore.


I picked the ladder up forgetting the paint was on top.

#2 This is some bad luck.


Losing 2 fingers in a work-related accident on the day my new guitar arrived.

#3 This is why no one should have a midnight snack.


#4 It honestly does look like milk or cream.


Walking to my first job this morning with a fresh cup of coffee. That’s not cream, it’s a crow shit hole in one.

#5 Ducks just don’t care about you.


A driveway crew was pouring concrete at a new house next to a duck pond. They went to lunch and came back to this…

#6 When your pepper grinder breaks.


#7 How much soap would one need to use to create this much of a mess?


Looks like someone put too much soap in the washing machine.

#8 Getting stung by a wasp hurts no matter how weird the result looks.


#9 I thought everyone knew that turmeric leaves stains behind.


Made a turmeric face mask without actually researching it and it stained my face now I look like bart simpson.

#10 We all make mistakes like this.


Put both on this morning to get the wife’s opinion. Forgot to change before I left and was at work all day like this.

#11 I really wanna know the story behind this.


I’m the only person in my entire office of 30 people who dressed up today and I’m in a full-body banana suit.

#12 This whole story is just painful.


Came home late from work, drop my open sandwich in the parking lot. Go to make pasta, the first pot slips and I pour it all on the ground. Make a second pot and the handle straight up breaks and my pasta goes everywhere. Didn’t eat; had a Lil cry.

Honestly, if something like this happened to me, I would be crying and generally being a mess on the floor. I mean there is only so much a person can take before they feel like the whole world is out to get them somehow. I can only hope that nobody else gets their pasta ruined ever again. And at this point, I would have just ordered something rather than trying again.

#13  I spoke too soon about the painful part.


So this just happened. I was pulling a jacket over my head and the zipper got caught on my eyelid. There’s one person that it could happen to… Yes, it hurt really bad.

#14 How can anyone be angry with this adorable squirrel?


I’m having a disaster of a morning, and then this goddam squirrel stole the croissant I’d been saving to finally enjoy when I got back home.

#15 The mother-in-law clearly has some beef with this person.


Mother-in-law just served me this piece of cake…

#16 Either this stolen phone had a long journey or the person is using VPN.


My phone was stolen last week in London and I just got a notification saying it had been located…

#17 That must have taken a long time to clean.


Remember to close the dog flap during a torrential rain…

#18 I wonder what this device looks like.


I ordered a blackhead remover and this is how it was packed. I had to collect it at the post office and it was the most embarrassing thing ever.

#19 A snake living in your toilet? That must have been a scare.


#20 That is a weird way to spell Doris.


Some poor old Gary somewhere was just hoping to declare his love for Doris today.

#21 That is the perfect serving size for fries.


#22 My only question is that did it taste good?


Would anyone care to guess which one is currently lining my mouth?

#23 When you go to the Eiffel Tower for the beautiful view.


#24 This is the epitome of disgusting.


Walked through a fly strip this morning… Spent an hour shampooing glue and fly guts out of my hair.

#25 How can a sock feel like a mask?


Drove 45 mins to the store thinking I had my mask in my pocket. It was a baby sock.

Do you still think that you’ve had a bad day? If so why do you think that? Let us know in the comments below.


What do you think?