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12 Subtle Jokes In The Disney Movies That Only Adults Can Find Hilarious

Did you know your favorite Disney movies had some adult jokes?

You probably did not know this like all of us. We enjoyed Disney movies as kids but we were innocent enough not to get those raunchy jokes. You might have watched these movies a thousand times but we bet only adults could get those jokes right. Your parents might have enjoyed some fits of laughter. Today, we have 12 scenes from your favorite Disney movies that you have watched but never knew had these subtle jokes that you can only find hilarious if you are an adult. We are sure your whole experience is gonna get changed after this. So, scroll down and get ready to laugh.

1. Have a look at this one from Hocus Pocus.


2. Who got this one?


3. That moment when Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove pitched a tent:


4. This one from Ratatouille.


5. This scene from The Incredibles.


6. “Cars” had a clear signboard that most of us didn’t notice.


Who knew Cars would have this clear signboard of a topless bar? Well, Disney movies are not coming slow. They have so much more than we ever thought. They have the perfect kind of adult jokes and now we want to watch these movies once again to double the fun. Scroll down to see more iconic and hilarious scenes from your favorite animated movies.

7. An iconic scene from Pongo.

8. This joke from Aladdin:


9. Hercules, the smart boy!

10. We all know what matters, lol.


11. Can’t forget this one from Toy Story 3. 

12. This one from Ratatouille had us laughing.


We would not do any more explaining because we are sure you are smart enough to get these jokes. Disney has done justice with its movies. A perfect combination of drama, love and hilarity. What else can we ask for? So, how did you like these subtle jokes? Funny or not? Tell us in the comments!


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