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Karen Gets Called Out With A Revenge Note For Stealing Co-Workers Lunch

Another day, another Karen Story!

Working in an office is fun until you come across a colleague who is basically a Karen who, to say the least, who are just horrible people. Because of these people, your life becomes unbearably difficult. However, we’d like to provide some advice to those who work in organizations: don’t mess with anyone in the office (and always bring your own food!)


Because of our working environment, we are able to learn new things at the workplace. There is a flurry of activities going on around us, including meetings, deadlines, projects, client management, and the list goes on. There are days when things are chaotic as hell and you wish to resign (but when we think of salaries being credited, we reconsider our decision). However, what if you are having a successful career and learn new things, manage new projects, and achieve success? That feels great! Having spent so much time at the office rushing around, there comes the point when your stomach growls and there is complete silence across the building. That isn’t very comfortable; we’ve all been through it at some point and it’s just a not-good feeling and makes us feel like a slave of the system but that’s just how things work.

Suppose you are about to enjoy your snacks during a short break when you find that someone has already stolen your goodies. What do you think your reaction would be? You will, without a doubt, be frustrated and want to know who is to blame…

Similarly, here’s a Reddit user, who has shared her terrible experience at the workplace, and how her snacks were being stolen. She knew who was it, so one day she left a note for Karen to read before she steal another snack. To read what happened next and how she took her sweet revenge, just keep scrolling down!

So, here’s a brief introduction of Karen – lazy, gossipy, and opinionated!

Via u/votedog

Why is it that almost every story is about Karen? You might have read this name many times on the internet, and how these obnoxious people are being reveng. Still, the world does not have enough of these Karen; you will find them at restaurants, shopping malls, and even at your job. Every staff before joining the office wished that they wouldn’t meet any Karen for many good reasons.

The OP wrote a note to Karen when her snacks were stolen while she was away for a call.

Via u/votedog

So, Karen had two options given on the note…

Via u/votedog

The next day, when the OP went to Karen’s desk, she passed on a smile to Karen!

Via u/votedog

Finally, she was happy that her snacks were safe!

Via u/votedog

Stealing is regarded as immoral behaviour. It’s completely fine if the person asks permission before opening others’ drawers or cabinets, but grabbing goodies from people’s drawers without their permission is quite juvenile. This is not the first time someone has stolen things from others’ personal belongings, but this crime should be considered workplace violence, and the employer should take action against people who steal from others.

Have you ever experienced a similar incident where your colleagues stole your belongings? If yes, we would love to hear your story in the comments section below!


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