
22 Kids Who Brilliantly Answered Questions In The Form Of Artworks

Some kids take cleverness to a whole new level.

And I don’t mean the clever as in getting good marks in class or something similar to that. I am talking about the kids who think outside of the box and accomplish things in a weird roundabout way. However, whatever you may think of their solutions, you have to admit that they are hilarious and smart. It’s good to recognise talents at a very early stage, which in the future can help children to explore horizons which were unknown to them.


So next time when you are giving a test and don’t know the answer. Never leave it blank and as it is clear below, use some creativity and you’ll be fine. So scroll below and take a look at some of the ingenious answers given by smart kids.

#1 I would have just said no because I can’t swim rather than being rude.

Via reddit

#2 If only I had thought of doing this when I was in school.


#3 They aren’t wrong. At least that is what all the movies tell you.

Via reddit

#4 This kid should get full marks all around.

Via reddit

#5 They technically did what the examiner asked them to do.

Via reddit

#6 Again, They are technically correct.

Via imgur

#7 I have never related to a kid this much.

Via reddit

#8 That can be a possibility.

Via imgur

#9 I am definitely stealing this for later.

Via reddit

#10 What else are you supposed to do? Lie there and cry?

Via imgur

#11 They certainly wrote those letters in alphabetical order just not in the way the teacher wanted.

Via reddit

#12 I am pretty sure he got full marks for that.

Via imgur

#13 Videogames will do that to you.

Via reddit

#14 Hey! It worked!

Via OnlyInCincinnati

Now, you might have thought that these kids are quite clever but they will never get good marks, but this kid has proved all of us wrong. As it turns out, it sometimes pays to be a wisea**. So next time, you don’t know the answer, just scare the teacher with a ninja. It will probably work.

#15 They showed the teacher, alright.

Via  imgur

#16 Bob probably shouldn’t have done that.

Via imgur

#17 They might need reinforcements very soon.

Via reddit

#18 The answer to life probably.

Via imgur

#19 This kid is wise beyond her age.

Via imgur

#20 Did she write ‘Because I do’ first and erased it?

Via imgur

#21 I’d say that is very good advice.

Via imgur

#22 And let me tell you, it smells disgusting.

Via reddit

Which one of these did you find the most hilarious? Comment down below and let us know.


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