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15 Best Tweets From Parents That Hilariously Sum Up Life With A Two-Year-Old

Living with toddlers is entertaining, as it fills your days with unusual realities, amusing events, and absurdly silly questions about random subjects.  Children are the ones that awaken us to the fact that you are not the dumbest person alive on this planet. Because there will be moments when they will ask you foolish questions that will leave you absolutely baffled and you will be completely unable to come up with an appropriate response.

Likewise, there are situations in which it is incredibly difficult to control your kid for a variety of reasons. This could be because they destroyed their favorite toy or spoiled a dish that you had prepared for dinner. However, as a parent, you should know how to maintain control over your children and advise them to refrain from throwing tantrums in a nice manner. We know that asking a two-year-old toddler to sit calmly is nearly impossible, but you should be gentle and kind to them for their better upbringings.

Almost every parent has a similar story to share. Whenever you read a tweet, a story, or a blog post on parenting, you will be able to relate to almost everything you read on the internet. Likewise, if you are having a chat with your neighbors, you will both be experiencing the same emotions and will be able to empathize with one another because you have both been through the same phase. This is similar to the tweets shared by the parents, which describe some humorous moments to which nearly every parent can relate.

So, keep scrolling down to have a look at these funny parenting tweets!

1. Nothing is more miserable than being in this situation.

Via Twitter

2. That’s why kids are innocent!

Via @/hilltophoods / Twitter

3. Be ready for these activities for the rest of your life!

Via @mami_manii / Twitter

4. Parents, take notes!

Via Twitter 

5. All you need is to ask…

Via Twitter

6. Only parents can understand this feeling!

Via @kalistacat / Twitter

7. We can imagine that million-dollar smile!

Via Twitter

8. …sometimes it’s called fuzzy water!

Via Twitter

Have you ever wondered what kind of a mess a two-year-old can make in your house? They have the power to transform your home into a terrible place in a matter of seconds. Living with these tiny monstrous creatures makes it difficult to maintain control over your emotions, especially when you walk through a tiny Lego – eeh!

Thanks to these parents for sharing their hilarious moments on the internet that makes us realize that we are not the only one who are dealing with so much craziness every day. Being crazy and maniac while living with these kids is normal for parents, and you will agree to this if you own one! Keep scrolling down for some more hilarious tweets to make your stressful day a little better and brighter.

9. This kid is already getting smarter!

Via Twitter

10. Everyone’s life these days is like this poem – it hits you right in the gut!

Via Twitter

11. Very well played, mommy!

Via Twitter

12. Kids always choose chaos.

Via Twitter

13. Rather, ask them what color lemon is.

Via Twitter

14. That’s adorable!

Via Twitter

15. Just wait till she’s three!

Via Twitter

Do you have a two-year-old child? If so, don’t forget to share your hilarious conversation with them in the comments section below!


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