Buying and selling things online can be quite a drag.
If you thought the Internet was going to make your life easier, you were wrong. Because of the Internet, we can now sell or buy things using our phones whilst sitting on our couches. However, dealing with a million idiots is part of the package. So don’t get too hyped about your online experience. Be prepared for the worst.
This guy decided to sell his apple mouse and keyboard. He gave an ad online and someone contacted him about it. The customer wanted to lower the price but the man refused to negotiate, saying the price was final. After listening to that, the customer hurled insults at him and stooped to a very, very low level. Read the conversation down below:
Via u/GreyStagg
The conversation starts out normal.

The customer asks if the price can be lowered.

The man refused to lower the price.

Which somehow confused the customer.

Take it or leave it, simple.

The confuse-ception went on.

That’s when the insults started.

The guy tried reasoning with the customer.

And the customer threw in his own logic.

The man was explaining to the customer when he got called a retard.

How does a person like this even land themselves a job?

Woah, knife emojis. Must be a tough guy.

Of course, that is so believable.

Why does this guy keep using the word “retard” as an insult?

This is a good source of entertainment.

The customer really crossed the line here by mocking disabled people.

Sometimes the best answer to an idiot is silence. However, some people need to be taught a lesson as well. It is up to you to make the decision. I am a shy person so I personally don’t feel the need to argue with anyone. I think if I don’t even reply to the other person, it’ll be an even bigger insult.

I hope he understands sarcasm.

That sounds like a wholehearted apology.

The man executed his revenge plan after this.

He calls the customer near ASDA.

But this man turned out to be a bigger creep than we thought.

The man started stalling him.

That’s good acting for sure.

He made the customer wait even more by acting “silly.”

So the guy reminded him of all the things the customer said.

The customer threatened to call the news.

But that did not stop the man from teaching him a lesson.

Apparently, it had no affect on this guy.

That is a great comeback, sir.

He decided to end the conversation here.

What do you think of this conversation? Did the man get what he deserved? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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