Some employers really need to know their limits.
Family is the most important thing in this world. It does not have to be your own blood. As you grow up, you learn that family is whoever you choose it to be. It could be your friends, your godchild, or your pet. Regardless of who it is, your family should always be your first priority. Everything else comes later. You can always find another job, or take another test, but you can not find another family. If you have a good private life and you spend sufficient time around your loved ones, you will find that you have a very balanced routine and keep your mental health in check. Being job-oriented can only work for you so long until you burn out. Your job only cares about you as long as you are being productive and are benefitting the company. If you are not, you are just a burden on them and they will get rid of you the first chance that they get. Family does not do that. They care for you and stick with you even in your difficult times. This is why you should never prioritise your work over your family. If you have to choose between the two, always choose the latter.
However, some companies just believe that your private life is equal to nothing. They feel entitled to your free time. You do not owe your company anything other than the work you are supposed to do on the clock. A good company should realise that family emergencies may occur for employees and should be lenient towards them in those difficult times. However, this company decided to target their employee for prioritising their family and then paid a heavy price for it. The butterfly effect can clearly be seen here. Scroll down below to read the whole story about how a company’s employees mass quit after one employee was targeted wrongfully.
OP moved to a new area to live with their best friend and her husband when they learned that their best friend was pregnant with their godchild.
OP’s job at the store was only part-time and they had enough time to work another job at night and spend time with their family.
OP’s productivity resulted in them making a good name for themselves. But things started going downhill when the company hired a new assistant manager who wrongfully fired an employee working at the front desk.
OP started working full time at the store now. But after a second walkout, people started spreading rumours.
The first strike for OP was the company cancelling their Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays without explanation.
Later, their supervisor tested positive for Covid and OP had to self-isolate. They were constantly bothered by the management to get back to work.
A week later, a terrible snowstorm hit and OP’s friend’s husband got injured in a car accident. OP had to leave work to attend to them.
After a lot of unfair treatment from the management, OP decided to resign. That is when the assistant manager sent them a very unprofessional text.
That is when OP, along with other employees, decided to compile evidence against the assistant manager.
There was a meeting of management and supervisors, and the assistant manager was fired.
All the different departments started to quit due to different reasons. All they needed was a push.
The store had to shut down for the next two days and some employees hired lawyers.
OP did not have much to lose in the end.
Have you ever been treated badly at work? How did you deal with it? Share your stories with us in the comments below.