Mothers can have a difficult time caring for their children. Of course, fathers are not excluded, but today we are only focusing on mothers. After all, it’s all about the infamous subreddit ‘Stuff Mom Groups Say’ today. As the name suggests, some people don’t know how to behave on the Internet. Now, I’m not going to argue with anyone about what they believe is best for their child, but putting a potato on your child in the hopes that it will absorb all of the illnesses is bizarre.
And that is exactly what happens in groups like these. You might think this is insane and obviously fake, but it is, unfortunately, very real. So we decided to scour this subreddit for the best content we could find so you could have a glorious compiled list to enjoy.
Source: Reddit
#1 The only place to do that is with your family.
How could she even think about leaving her kid alone for that period of time?
#2 Ignoring the incarceration comment, this is really worrying.
#3 Did she even read what she was writing?
#4 To be fair, she is trying to be considerate of her neighbors so there is that.
#5 Does she want a bed-ridden nanny to take care of their child?
#6 That is the name that will get you bullied throughout your life.
#7 How does one come into possession of a child?
#8 Those do not look like baby legs.
#9 To be fair, most teenagers do act like this.
#10 I can only hope that infant pageant does not exist.
#11 Please do not punch your kid no matter what.
#12 She is only 11 months old!
#13 The simple answer would be a nail scratch.
#14 Should a mother really say something like that?
#15 That is certainly one thing to be scared of.
#16 This mother needs to calm down.
#17 The short answer is no. The long answer is also NO!
#18 That does seem like a small amount of work.
#19 These commenters are insane!
#20 I am pretty sure this is made-up.
#21 Having a baby is a beautiful thing but it really isn’t anything unique.
#22 That is not a good way of thinking.
#23 These kids are definitely not going to be telling anyone their middle names.
#24 Running over someone’s foot?
#25 You can’t force someone to have therapy.
#26 Why would you want to bring a baby into a bar anyway?
#27 Some people sadly do have favorites.
#28 This is not okay.
#29 He isn’t even born and she is thinking about that?
#30 I understand her but letting your kid starve isn’t the way.
Some are worse than others, but I don't understand how parents can act this way. Have you ever had to deal with such mothers? If so, please let us know in the comments section below. Also, don't forget to share this list with your friends so they can contribute their own stories.
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