The definition of something that generally works better in theory than in actuality is work expenditures. You should be able to appreciate having your job pay for things, or at the very least have confidence that they are carrying out their basic obligations to you as an employee. However, those who are eligible to submit expense claims may almost guarantee that at some point, there will be some penny-pinching jobsworth prepared to make things more challenging. U/newtekie1, who alleges that frequent driving between their company’s many offices has resulted in gasoline expenditures at their employment, lately had to deal with such an uncomfortable circumstance.
They typically used a little longer route to avoid tolls on the shorter trip, but a new accountant suddenly started hounding them for billing for the extra gas. They started to alter their course in retaliation. Folliwng is the story in OP’s own words. Read it yourself and don’t forget to read Redditor’s take on this.
1. OP’s office gives him mileage. He sometimes takes different routes to avoid tolls. A new bookeeper comes whose hellbent to save the company

2. The bookkeeper targeted OP for extra expenses, and asks OP to take shorter routes so that the expenses can be saved. OP maliciously complies as follows

The vengeance-seeking Redditors of r/MaliciousCompliance were ecstatic that the penny-pincher had fast gotten her comeuppance and even shared stories of their own small victories over overbearing accounting. Following are the comments of the Reddirtors and their take on the following story.
3. Dear Lord, this is really beautiful

4. Somehwere here has a similar story

Many others thought that u/newtekie1 should go even farther. “If they urge you to change to your prior route, please make sure you say you will only do it AFTER they reimburse the $5.85 they stole from you,” stated u/mybossthinksimworking.
5. That’s such a great way to maliciously comply

6. The statement is true and we couldn’t agree more

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