During an 8-week busy season with mandatory overtime, the protagonist’s office offers meal reimbursement of up to $13/meal. Despite being $0.50 over the limit on three occasions, the manager permits the overage on the expense claim. However, Head Office rejects the claim, insisting on the removal of the $1.50 overage. After reading the company policy, OP discovers a $10 per diem for meals brought from home. They resubmit the expense claim, removing the overage and adding an additional $300 for the 30 meals brought from home. OP got happy and showed gratitude to the company upon doing this.
This story reflects the importance of understanding company policies thoroughly. OP’s initial oversight led to a rejection of their expense claim. However, upon careful reading, they found a beneficial provision that allowed them to claim an additional $300 for the meals they brought from home. It also serves as a reminder that company policies should be communicated clearly and consistently to all employees to avoid confusion and ensure fair treatment.OP’s positive resolution highlights the significance of being well-informed and proactive in seeking out available benefits.
Scroll down to read the full story.
During an 8-week busy season with mandatory overtime, the office reimburses dinner expenses up to $13/meal through end-of-season claims.
via Reddit
During the 8-week busy season, due to limited food options, OP brought dinner from home but occasionally spent $13.50 on purchased meals, going $0.50 over the limit. The manager approved the $1.50 overage for inclusion in the expense claim.
via Reddit
After submitting the expense claim, Head Office rejected it due to a $1.50 overage, emphasizing a strict no-overage policy and advising OP to read the company policy thoroughly.
via Reddit
Realizing the company policy allowed a $10 per diem for meals brought from home, OP read the policy thoroughly and decided to resubmit their expense claim accordingly.
via Reddit
With a newfound understanding of the company policy, OP removed the $1.50 overage and confidently added $300 for the 30 meals brought from home.
via Reddit
OP received the $300 payment for the unmentioned per diem and expressed gratitude just in case they were sincere.
via Reddit
We all should be aware and mindful of the company policies where we are working especially when it comes to availing the benefits. Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.
Everyone does not get lucky.
The most malicious thing to do would be this.
Another suggestion from an evil Redditor.
Beancounters would be happy.
This might be the case.
What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? Have you ever gotten lucky like this? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!
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