Losing a loved one, or even worse your own child, can be really grieving. As a parent, you feel there is no purpose to life anymore. No matter how hard you try to even think about resuming life or “moving on”, which I feel is a very strong and insensitive word, they just cannot do it. A child’s loss is unthinkable and unbearable, and any person who has a sound mind should understand that.
In today’s story, we see this topic get touched upon. Reddit user AgreeableAffect7090 is a mother who lost her 15-year-old daughter to a car accident. The parents just could not move on from the incident and hadn’t even cleaned their daughter’s room or entered it since the accident happened. One time, OP’s niece came to visit and stay for a day. At night, OP’s husband made the niece’s bed on a couch. To this, she said why couldn’t her bed be made in the late daughter’s room, which she referred to as “the guest room”. The conversation between the mother and the niece onwards got slightly heated as the things she said hurt the mother a lot. The niece was made to leave the house as the husband booked an Uber and sent her home.
You can scroll down below to read how it all went down and what did the niece say to OP that made her cry.
1. OP’s daughter, unfortunately, passed away at a very young age and it had a very deep psychological impact on the grieving mother.
2. I think we all know where this one is going after reading “the guest room” in quotation marks.
3. The niece told the husband and wife to simply move on, being inconsiderate and also comparing her dog’s loss with OP’s daughter’s death.
4. OP’s husband interrupted the ongoing conversation and made the niece leave the house. Getting called an AH, OP rested her fate with the AITA community members.
Here’s what the AITA community members had to say and why:
5. Telling people to just get over grief because you managed to do it is not right.
Via Reddit
6. Rest in peace, little girl.
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7. I hope the niece learned the lesson that the husband tried teaching her.
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8. According to this Redditor, the niece did want to say that but she didn’t think it would end up sounding that bad.
Via Reddit
OP was NTA. Since when did 17-year-old teenagers become so blunt and rude? This was so insensitive to say something like this, especially about you a person who died was your own cousin. I really would’ve let it go had an 8 or 10-year-old said something like this but this is a girl who has seen the world over the 17 years of her life. You just do not tell a grieving mother the loss of her daughter was just like the loss of your dog, I am sorry I don’t care what anyone says…that is so out of order.
9. Not so young to not be able to differentiate.
Via Reddit
10. The niece was only trying to relate to OP with the only death-related experience she had had in her life.
Via Reddit
11. OP was NTA for sending the niece home but what she said was in panic and should be forgiven.
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12. Empathy needs to be enforced at a young age.
Via Reddit
13. Hopefully.
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14. There is something up with the niece’s brain.
Via Reddit
15. The sister’s confusion was confusing because her daughter did say something very monstrous.
Via Reddit
16. The eye roll was the worst.
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17. You do not say stuff like that to someone suffering extreme grief.
Via Reddit
I really wish the niece understands what she did was not correct and learned a good lesson from this event. Really sorry for your loss, OP.
Hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your votes and thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Cat tax.
“We adopted this cute boy and for the past couple of weeks, he has been super shy. Today for the first time he plopped in my lap and did this.”
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