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40 Times People And The Media Thought They Would Get Away With Their Lies But Got Caught

In the era of social media, fake news always gets hundreds of likes. People are always curious to know some crazy and absurd news. It has become so easy to use someone’s name or mold it according to your own thoughts. Celebreties are usually seen calling out fake journals and websites on the internet. Now we understand why most of them want to stay private as everything is molded in a negative way if they open it publically. Many people get offended and do not do anything about it. However, in today’s era, people do not just sit quietly. They do not handle falsehood in a timing manner, they go out calling the liars in public and that’s exactly what everyone should be doing. Because if you do not call out the liars, they would think that they can get away with the lies. You can actually see yourself in an ad you did not give your consent for to know that you have a wife that never existed, people can make up everything. It’s time for you to witness how some brave people called out such falsehoods made about them publically. Following is the list of 40 such incidents in whch celebrities and random people called out fake news out in the open. Scroll till the end to witness some crazy stories.

1. They literally killed a man, and his reply is savage



2. Ripping off a badge and announcing it’s gifted to you


via thenewyorkgodReport

3. I cannot stop laughing at the reply, straight and simple


via PhenomenalPancakeReport


6. Guess what, random footballs players can be your brothers



7. Claiming people highly insenstive things will make them lash out

via NotTheReverseFlash

8. Everything is made up these days


via ItalianGreyhounds

9. Twitter can be highly misleading at times

via Landfinn

10. Love how he called them out and advised to not buy their chair


via tasoscon

11. So surprising to see your self get blamed at somewhere you did not even go

via pineappledipshit

12. Fake movie release news always exist


via Jo_Suy_Us

13. It really infuriated him

via iamadeadreflection

14. How photoshop can do these days and you wonder why


via jamescracknell

15. Meeting your non-existant wife could be fun though

via Avrogadroburger

16. Funny how people can mold statements in such an insensitive manner


via Dele10

17. She literally thought she would never find out

via random_person509

18. Correcting stupids like


via The-Alien-From-Mars

19. He was not even slightly worried about what they made a headline

via logangraves

20. As a director, they can make you writs scripts you did not know about


via Darkcrap

So aren’t you surprised to see these fake news channels being exposed? We know you are surprised, everyday there are thousands of stories and scenarios that are fake and created just for their self interests. These people have no self-esteem and self-respect. These fake news can lead to a number of problems and it surely creates problems in society. Yet people can do to any lengths in commiting this cyber crime.  Keep on scrolling as we have collected couple of more of these which you will be shocked to see.

21. Nationality can also be used against someone’s name with no factual means

via dragonballelf

22. This was the most extreme extent they could go in faking a news


via seitancauliflower

23. His brutal reply is what satisfies us the most

via ivanbonadeo

24. They can even make fake news on your career by highlighing your medical conditiona wrongly


via Grimduk

25. Welk this one was funny but fake news is fake news and it must be called out

via I_Am_The_One_66

26. Now I know why celebrities are mostly depressed


via CutieMiyukiReport

28. Being simple hut straight is the best way to insult the people bringing up fake news


via scrugbyhk

29. Great way to call someone out

via thenewyorkgod

30. Its totally bullshit to attribute someone’s weight loss journey to something he did not use. It means making his efforts go in vain


via trisw

31. Internet can fake tow people’s relationship and make it a scandal in seconds

via zabaaaa

32. How wrongly they can mention your absense in a show


via krustykarbspizza

33. He had a wonderful day, I am laughing so hard on this one..

via SamuDrummer

34. Photoshop can do wonders and people are rwallye using it incorrectly


via sudopm

35. Your history can be made up too, I am surprised

via andipe220

36. Shameless people need to be called out like this


via trollszn

37. ‘Please spend 8 seconds checking your facts’

via BradGroux

38. It is so absurd to make someone your little sister on the Internet


via xantv

39. Celebrities are always brimming woth fake news

via astrvmnauta

40. The way he put it on and called them out is satisfying…


via SuperSlothyGamer

Once a wise man said never believe everything on the internet, and indeed it is true as we can see from the photos above. Every scene,event has two sides and media only shows the one side and they often add more spice in it to make people attracted towards their channel or to gain likes. These fake news can cause a lot of chaos and they can even affect a person’s life badly. It is always illegal and insensitive to do such acts bur I guess, some people fail to understand this notion. We should never judge someone or come up with conclusions until we have a proper and authentic source of information, never believe everything you read on internet I repeat never. So next time you go through something on the internet never come up with conclusions, decisions until you are sure about it. Let us know what do you think about this post in the comment section below. Don’t forget to like and share it with your friends and family. Stay tuned with Defused for more fun content coming you way as we always care for your entertainment and keep bringing interesting and fun-filled stories for the sake of your joy. Thank You!


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