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20 Hilarious Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up What Being a Dad Is Like

23 funniest parenting tweets that you will relate the most to, being a Dad.

Parenting is one of the toughest jobs. You can not imagine what it comes with until the time you become a parent yourself. Toddlers can make you go crazy in seconds and you have no option to shut off your duty as you have to deal with your children anyway. An angry and disrespectful boss can seem easier at times than irritating growing-up children. But I guess, that’s the funny side of parenting, right? Dads especially have a great, and fun-filled experience of parenting that you all must know. For this reason, we have collected 23 such tweets from various Dads around the world who share their entertaining parenting experiences. Scroll down till the end to see what they had to go through.

1. This one was really a genius who calculated the age and everything


© HenpeckedHal/Twitter

2. That’s what toddlers are


© SpiralingMatt/Twitter

3. Being a parent of a growing child ruins your sleep many times


© simoncholland/Twitter

4. Looking on the bright side is what you have to do as a Dad, mostly


© iwearaonesie/Twitter

5. Kids can body-shame you and not feel shameful about it


© dad_on_my_feet/Twitter

6. When you have different personalities of children


© ericsshadow/Twitter

8. Making your children eat is the hardest part to do in parenting

© AmateurId***/Twitter

9. Their words are always funny


© XplodingUnicorn/Twitter

10. Almost anything

© VancityReynolds/Twitter

11. The truth of the world must be commuincated to children


© ConanOBrien/Twitter

12. Kids are synonymous with noise, you all must remember

© thedad/Twitter

Funny enough, right? Many of you who are parents would relate the most to it as all kids exhibit similar behaviors. Keep scrolling as there are more stories for you.

13. Kids start doing the weirdest and most dangerous things when you are stuck in an important task


© simoncholland/Twitter


© EnglishJason/Twitter

15. Being a Dad can make you do things you never imagined


© Cheeseboy22/Twitter

16. Limiting your fun just because you have kids now, well being a parent you hardly find time for anything

© TheCatWhisprer/Twitter

17. When your kids grow and you are left with little efforts to make as you did in the start


© simoncholland/Twitter

18. Ironic and funny at the same time, we love it


19. So much trouble at 6 in the morning, welcome to the tough side of parenting


© AndyAsAdjective/Twitter

20. Very questionable execution, the kid simplified the task being smart but now I need to get a plumber asap to fix the toilet now

© daddydoinwork/Twitter

21. They will keep on making stupid stories and you really have to show interest


© JustinGuarini/Twitter

22. Iconic one, how many of you can relate?

© FatherWithTwins/Twitter

23. By the time you learn the things you had to learn before, your kids are already grown up, that’s what parenting is


© XplodingUnicorn/Twitter

Well, that’s what parenting is all about, right? On one side, when it comes to a lot of tough jobs, it also comes with feeling the happiness, laughter of warmth of having a kid. Could you relate to any of the above-mentioned stories? If you do, tell us in the comment section below. Stay connected with us at defused to get more funny and relatable content coming your way.


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