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25 Hilariously “High” Pets Acting Crazy After Visiting The Vet

Our furry friends hate going to the vet.

Your pet would be traveling with you in a good mood and as soon as they will realize that the car is moving towards the vet’s location, they would make the weirdest face ever. They will make sure you know they hate going to the vet. Although our furry friends hate the visit to the vet but it is important to get them checked to make sure they do not have any disease. The vets give anesthesia to our furry friends before performing a procedure or surgery on them and they act crazy post-surgery. Today, we have 25 adorable pets acting crazy after visiting the vet. Scroll down and have fun looking at these loopy pets.

1. This boi is acting crazy after his visit to the vet.


Via @reallousewife

Mom, I didn’t know going to the vet would be this much fun.

2. When you are pregnant and get obsessed with something strange:


Via @CroneWitch_51

This obsession can not be explained but how cute does she look while laying on the brick like that.

3. Is she drunk or has she just visited the vet?


Via @OlL_Star

She would sit there and keep looking at her mommy like that.

4. Meet the snoopy dog fan:


Via @Cheqraise1

5. “My dog at work for the first time”


Via @laurabellejean

6. After coming from the vet:


Via @Fightldiocracy

7. There’s no one home and I’m getting bored now:

Via @LauraJayneW

8. Seems like the surgery was fun:


Via @lonelyhoursmith

Did they give her favorite treats and toys?

9. That moment when a coworker wants you to do their work for them:

Via @shellyyolko

10. Toof cleaning made him act like this:


Via @abby_harvick

11. I wanna sleep, I am on drugs:

Via @saharuuhh

12. He is clearly not happy with his surgery:


Via @lanMcClelland75

13. Everything looks so fun tonight:

Via @Kremdog28

It looks as if they have taken drugs but no, they are sober pets and do not take drugs. They were sedated by their vets for good. We wish them recovery. If you notice your pet acting crazy after surgery, no need to panic, it is just the anesthesia.

14. When your crazy dog loves to be sedated.


Via @stallfortime

15. He is a good boy, sedation did this to him:

Via @DottyRoads

16. Weido, please, don’t assault the vet this time:


Via @ScreechySayWha

17. He is in another world after coming from the vet:

Via @Myrtle_Tee

18. No drugs, no sedation, no visit to the vet. This is how he normally sleeps:


Via @WarningEagle

19. I got my dental cleaning today. Don’t mess with me today, I can even kill anyone:

Via @PeacePDX

20. Ahh.. Look at this poor baby:


Via @KokoVeebs

21. What catnip did to this guy:

Via @tenhet_leigh

22. We can tell the recent visit has not been a good one:


Via @AmberArchero

23. Meet Rocky:

Via @TomMars43229517

24. Poor girl got 17 teeth removed:


Via @Twofishie

25. Meet the little nugget:

Via @xredhenx

How does your pet act after their visit to the vet? Share a photo of your pet after their visit to the vet. And Upvote for your favorite ones from our list.


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