Each and every day, we may look forward to the joy and happiness that our pets bring to our lives. During the difficult times, they are there to support us, and they are glad to be there during the happy times. They grow up alongside us. They are aware of everything and still choose to love us on a daily basis. Having a pet from a young age ensures that you will be able to witness their growth and development. When someone says, “They grow up so quickly,” you may empathize with them on a deep level. Pets are unquestionably our most valuable assets, and witnessing them grow old can be heartbreaking. However, being able to stay with them as they grow up is the most incredible experience. Here are some of the most adorable before and after pictures of people’s pets as they grow up, which will make your heart soar!
1. This dog still has that mischievous glow in its eyes!

2. That beautiful left eye must capture a lot of hearts!

3. This turtle understood the phrase “slow and steady wins the race”!

4. The second picture radiates a lot of happiness!

5. Somethings, like sleeping on your owner’s face, never change.

6. Awee! These cute little cuddles!

7. In just a blink of an eye!

8. That is one majestic grow-up!

9. Looks like the doggo raised the girl pretty well!

10. There is a look of wisdom in that dog’s eyes!

11. Growing up together they must have been inseparable!

12. How come the dog looks like it hasn’t aged a day?!

13. Those cuddles never grow old!

14. They both grew up so well!

15. After all this time, they still are best friends!

16. If growing up elegantly had a face!

17. Those eyes didn’t change one bit.

18. Looks like someone needs a bigger sink.

19. Those facial expressions, that pose, everything about this picture is super adorable!

20. Those bushes in the backyard grew with them.

Bonus: What a beautiful kitten!

“This is Riot Prrrl. My girlfriend and I found her abandoned…on Christmas Eve…”
She just loves to sit on his shoulders.

“Got some food in her and she started to perk up.”

“Running around destroying everything, by this point.”
A lovely trio!

“She loves mommy.”
Escaping from those kisses!

“Clearly uninterested in my affection.”
They grow up so fast!

“Still growing.”
She never wants to get off of those shoulders!

“Taken this morning. Climbed up there as soon as I walked in the door.”
We warned you that these wonderfully cute photographs of people’s pets growing up will melt your heart. Pets have a tendency to make people feel emotional! Would you like to share any before and after pictures of your pets growing up?!