Who doesn’t want a child who looks exactly like them?
I know this isn’t what everyone wants but when it comes to pets, it is exactly the kind of thing that makes our hearts melt. We have all seen our pets children who basically look like a miniature versions of their parents and it is way too adorable. The differences between the parent and their kid usually come because of the partner’s genetics mixing in but sometimes you will get a child who looks like a cop of one of their parents.
It is actually quite a rare thing to get an exact copy but it doe happen. Now, there would obviously be a difference when it comes to patterns but it is a close enough fit that it can count. Not only do these animals looks the same but even their habits are quite similar. From pooping the same way to making a mess out of themselves, the parents have clearly taught their kids well. And as we all know the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
So scroll below to take a look for yourself and enjoy.
#1 Both of them even have heterochromia which makes this pair even more unique.
#2 Even the parent looks like a puppy to me.
Are we sure both of them aren’t just toys? Because they are way too adorable to be real.
#3 Both of them look quite surprised to be there.
I wonder what they are looking at off camera.
#4 Both of these smiles are way too cute and nobody will be able to say no to these faces.
#5 ‘Can we got out hooman?’
Can anyone even deny this request? Especially when you take one look at those eyes?
#6 Both of them only wanted to play in the mud.
Who could have known that their paws would get dirty?
#7 The kitten wants attention from the mother.
This is the look of someone who wasn’t ready for kids and didn’t know how hard it is to take care of kids.
#8 When you don’t want to get off the couch so you enlist the help of your parent.
#9 Yes, they both have a pattern of M on their forehead.
#10 Nobody wants to be caught pooping.
This is like bursting into the toilet and taking a picture of your friend while they are pooping.
#11 The mother looks so worried for her kitten.
#12 ‘I am going to teach you how to drive kid so buckle up.’
They are ready for an adventure.
#13 My heart can’t handle any more cuteness.
#14 Even their position of sleeping is the exact same!
#15 The kid looks extra ready for a long walk.
It is clear that the parent is very proud of the puppy.
#16 The ears of the kitten are making me melt.
#17 ‘Can we come inside? Please?’
Does your pet have kids? If so, do they look similar to one of the parents or are they a mix of both parents? Comment down below to let us know. Also, don’t forget to share these images with others so their day can start off right as well.