Gardening is one thing that most of us like doing in our free time. As the gardening seasons arrive, our gardening tools, seeds, pots, hose and other gardening accessories come out of the closet and we put them in use. It’s nice to decorate the inside of the house with small plants, our window sills with plants in a bottle and our backyards with some beautiful coloured flowers!
But there is a new trend going viral on the internet and it is being called doll planters! Yes, you read it right. When we first heard about it, we were as shocked as you are.
As hard as it sounds to believe, it is true. Everyday people from around the world are taking their old baby dolls and chopping off their heads, and bodies and putting them in use. WAIT, WHAT? This even sounds disturbing AF but gotta give a few stars to the creativity. How do you do it? Well, you just chop the heads and legs off, add little plants inside the hollow space and you are good to go. Sounds creepy AF, right? Wait till you see it.
Do you remember those creepy haunted houses in movies which everyone is scared off? Well, get prepared for those vibes. Plus on a lighter note, these spooky little planters can be a perfect Halloween accessory. Scroll down and see!
1. The plant attack!
The plants attempt to strangle the doll!
2. An infant with one eye.
This plastered mask doll is creepy AF.
3. Possessed by THE nature.
The protruding of ferns through the eyes and head is as creepy as it gets.
4. The floating dead doll!
The plants took over it and the poor doll was doomed to float amongst the lily pads for all eternity.
5. The stapled face.
Straight out of a horror movie!
6. Kewpie baby doll!
Isn’t it just terrifying??
7. Dehydrated.
8. Goofy haired dolls
Together they are a force to be reckoned with!
9. Moss on the heads.
10. Body as a vessel for plants!
Come on, it’s not even creative.
11. Dolled up!
This one’s all ready for the party.
12. Well, he had lots of veggies this evening that they popped out.
13. Shaggy hair head.
Having a wild hair day.
14. Peek a boo!
15. Strange art!
What the hell is that thing? Reminds me of the movie, Grudge.
These creepy heads are definitely giving me nightmares! But I wouldn’t deny people being creative and weird AF at the same time. Keep scrolling. We are just getting started.
16. Chucky planter is enough to scare you off.
17. Collection of a doll planter
Imagine going on a walk in the forest and coming across these dolls…
18. The “high” baby.
Just a doll enjoying in a park, with some plants oozing out of him.
19. Isn’t that ariel? I guess, she likes her new look.
20. Never needed those eyes.
A potted plant replacing the head completely.
21. Beautiful yet terrifying!
22. The little cacti.
Check out those eyes popping out! Oh… I meant, those plants popping out.
23. Welcome to Miami.
Family of two barbies and a troll doll…
24. Stitches to the blind.
The cold lifeless doll and mouth sewed shut.
25. Twins twinning!
26. Natural goddess!
Mother nature sitting in the corner and watching over the garden!
27. A family of creeps
Imagine taking a walk in a dark, turning the lights on and seeing all these freaky dolls staring at you!
28. Creepy robot doll!
A doll planter like this hobbling in the house with its four metal legs. Take my money!
29. Not so happy about his new predicament.
The middle one doesn’t seem to be enjoying being a creepy plant.
30. Not the cup of tea you want…
Every cup of tea here is served with a creepy doll head.
Want a doll planter? Scroll down we have more ideas.
31. Weird things sprouting.
A plant sprouting of the dolls head…
32. Vintage or horror?
33. King in the garden!
His location is permitting him to peer out over the entirety of different plants simply like a king.
34. Flying baby!
Baby on top of a sparkling nest of crystal.
35. Odd pots.
36. The flower child.
Cute but also creepy.
37. Warrior planter!
38. The brain of thorns.
This is one sharp thinker doll.
39. Teacup surprise!
40. Bathing in mud and plants.
She looks rich.
41. The world of horror.
42. New babies with plant hair.
Mother has got some new infants in the house and she’s preparing them for planting.
43. Creepy decor.
44. The aspiring planter!
45. The one with shades.
I don’t need any sun, I’m not a plant.
46. The creepy watcher.
47. Evil waiting for you.
Evil planter with sinister black eyes. CREEPIEST.
48. Speaking of plants…
Just a few more crunches.
49. Tree of horrors.
Every branch of this tree is covered with horrifying doll heads.
50. Growing old.
This old doll is bored and lonely, so she now has made friends who feed on her.
Never thought people could be so innovative and can come up with such creepy ideas. All of these doll planters are very horrifying and great for Halloween! What do you think about the planters? Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comments section below!
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