Friendship is, without a doubt, one of the best relationships that a person makes throughout their life. True friends come into your life and make it a lot better by being there for you not only in the good times but also during the bad ones. In a way, friends are a type of coping mechanism as well as a support system we all need to be there with us, through this beautiful journey of life we are on. Sometimes, when life gets too hard, friends are the ones who hold us up like cement. No matter if there are bad or good days, a true friend is going to be with you at all costs. And often, friends do things for us that can be so wholesome that we can’t thank them enough.
Here we have compiled a thread from Twitter which is yet another proof of how friends can be the best people to have by your side when things get dark. The writer, Sheila O’Malley shares her story about how her friends helped her overcome the sadness caused by the death of her father, after which she cried for days and couldn’t even unpack her stuff. This beautiful story warms up our hearts like anything and makes us realize how important it is to have such a healthy support system by our sides when things get tough.
Without further ado, let’s go ahead and read this wonderful thread and have our faith in humanity be restored back. Scroll down and check out the story yourselves;
More info: Twitter
1. And so, here it begins,
Wish we could tell her that it’s totally okay! She needed this time.
2. That’s such a sweet thing to do
We need a David in our lives!
3. That’s how you cheer up a grieving friend!
Doesn’t this seem too little for you? But for a grieving person, this can mean the world to the. Think about how people never forget when you helped them in their time of need. It can help people get out from a place from where they thought was their end. Healing requires time and sure, people heal all by themselves, but friends certainly make it easier, just by being there. They are indeed a blessing in disguise. Keep scrolling to find out what happens next.
4. This one friend, who knows how to handle Sheila and her things.
5. Well, being bossy is the right thing to do here!
They will always be there for you!
6. Setting new benchmarks for friendship!
Why ask, when you can just barge in and make it better for somebody?!
7. And that’s about it!
And we are pretty sure, if this plan did backfire, these wonderful friends would calmly understand.
Wasn’t this one of the most wholesome and heartwarming friendship stories you’ve read so far? David proved himself a good friend and made sure that his friend was fine! He took the risk of making a plan for his friend which might have backfired but he knew that she needed this the most at this time! Moreover, her friends did not judge her, rather helped her through this tough phase and proved to be her real friends because after all friends in need are friends indeed! Do you agree? Did this story inspire you as well? Do you have another story like this to share? Comment below and do tell us!
Picture Credits: sheilakathleen