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14 Pictures That Prove Our Pets Love Us More Than Anything

People can form a quick bond with their pets.

It is always surprising to see how quickly we can form a bond with our pets. I mean I remember falling in love with my cat the moment I saw him and it didn’t even take a few days before I could not even imagine my life without him. So it is understandable that some people much prefer spending their time with animals rather than humans. And since having a pet can actually make you generally happier as well, it is a win-win situation for us.


However, today we aren’t going to focus on the human side of this bond. We are going to pay some attention to the pets and how they show their love to us. Whether it be dogs coming up to us and cuddling with us when we feel sick or cats trying to cheer us up by dumb shenanigans when we are down, animals really are a gift. We even have a few pictures of animals in which their love is evident through their eyes alone.

You will see what I am talking about once you scroll below.

#1 This is what true love looks like for reference.


#2 The kitty clearly missed her best friend.


We adopted an 11-year-old cat from a Chicago shelter. He and my 13-year-old daughter fell in love. This is them after she got back from a week at camp.

#3 This cat can’t wait to greet her hooman.


#4 Some cats are just always clingy and this kitty is one of them.


#5 This doggo prefers the bigger bed.


Left for work and forgot my phone. 10 minutes later, and this doggy is already in bed with my boyfriend.

#6 Okay, this is just adorable and that is all I can say.


#7 ‘Are you leaving me all alone, hooman?’


Every animal species has a specific way of showing their love to humans. Some show that they care by coming to greet us when we come home and others ask for attention to show that they love us. So we clearly can’t hope to see every animal species acting the same way. Even if we look at an animal species as a whole, there is a lot of variation. So what your individual pet does might not be the same as another human being. All in all, we are lucky to have animals as our companions.

#8 This is a beautiful picture.


My son has loved my cat since the day he was born. She tolerates that love in a way I never thought possible.

#9 This is Moose and he is apparently the best sidekick anyone can have.


#10 Just look at how happy the cat is in this picture!


My cat learned that the alarm sound means I wake up, and she snuggles on my chest right after. I’ve been setting my alarm 30 minutes early every day to give her more happy time.

#11 When your cat tries to help you during your work.


#12 The best kind of ring-bearer anyone can ask for.


#13 That is the look of pure contentment on his face.


#14 I want someone who looks at me the way this cat does towards her hooman.


What is the weirdest thing your pet does to show their love to you? Do they always ask for attention once you come home? Or is it something different? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to show these beautiful pictures to your friends.


What do you think?