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25 Times Retail And Food Workers Shared Their Worst Experiences With Customers

25 Times Retail And Food Workers Shared Their Worst Experiences With Customers

Dealing with customers is not an easy job.

We should always try to be kind to the people working in retail and food because they are the ones who deal with shit more than us. We should be the ones to beat the mentality that “the customer is always right”. No, customers cannot always be right. They would call names sometimes, throw latte in the server’s face, fake food allergies and whatnot. Some customers are toxic. May God give us the energy to deal with their shit. Below we have compiled a list of the worst experiences employees working in food and retail have shared. Scroll down to have a look at them.

1. “People suck but the real ones stick up for each other”


Via: SqueaksPlays

2. Please, be nice to the baristas. They are human too.


Via: JoltStudios

3. Now you know why coronavirus kicked our ass?


Via: decentbirthday

4. The lady cut off a pregnant woman to throw a latte at the girl working at Dunkin’ Donuts:


Via: Moonpie_Luna

5. Working at a coffee shop be like:


Via: DietSoDuhx

6. This is why people need critical thinking exercises:


Via: ArawnNox

7. A girl ordered a virgin screwdriver:

Via: Juris_Sequoia

8. A customer who wanted a latte with no espresso:


Via: lucipurrrrr666

9. When you are a pizza lover and want more slices of a large pizza:

Via: notsuohsports

10. When the customer refuses to buy an item because they wanted to prove their point:


Via: Glaciaca

11. A chicken quesadilla without cheese:

Via: Gluonsrule

12. I need a burger with extra onions but I am allergic to onions:


Via: teastainedtears

Working in customer service is not easy, you have to deal with all kinds of customers. Most of the time, customers are not nice. They would throw tantrums at the servers. They would even throw coffee on the server’s faces. That’s how rude customers can get. We should try to be nice to servers because they are also human and they deserve to be treated nicely.

13. When the customers want “no cheese”:

Via: suonoita

14. When the customer wants a whole pound of pepperocinis:


Via: djinnantonnix

15. Another customer who wanted a Mocha without espresso:

Via: lucipurrrrr666

16. When a customer wants you to bake an apple pie for her:


Via: OMGKaren_

17. If customers want to waste their money, let them waste it:

Via: queer_hellenic

18. A customer who accused a server of stealing his Christmas money:


Via: Leesybug527

19. Do servers get paid less than minimum wage to get harassed?

Via: villagethot

20. I want a cold hot chocolate:


Via: Caramalameet

21. An old man screamed at the server because he wanted a brownie:

Via: MoodyBoolicious

22. A conversation that happened at a hotel front desk:


Via: StormAnnV

23. What’s the main ingredient in cheese?

Via: NopedTheFuckOut

24. A customer who lectured that her cappuccino had too much foam:


Via: 97_ibraheem

25. Quesadilla without cheese because customer’s son was lactose intolerant:

Via: jmadfour

Do you have a funny interaction with a customer? If yes, let us know in the comment section down below!

Here is a wholesome dog tax for you:


Via: u/chimmmies

“Sharing my munchkin while she’s still here. We’re saying goodbye on Friday and my heart is broken.”


What do you think?